sorry to hear about your dogs LC. Its obvious you love them. Something inside me has always wanted a hound of some type but they just seem to get sidetracked on a scent and be gone. I sure hope it comes back home.
Our hopes soared for just a minute or so. A car pulled up to the gate about 10 minutes ago. I ran out into the snow and a lady yelled that she thought she had our beagle. I didn’t even put on a coat. I ran out with my wife close behind, unlocked the gate and the ladies daughter stepped out with a gorgeous beagle pup, but it wasn’t Elly May. We both thanked them and then my wife and I both walked back to the house through the falling snow holding each other. She started crying and then so did I.
Is she friendly to people/strangers? Hopefully someone picked her up and have to find the time to take her in to be scanned for a chip, not sure how far you live from a pound/vet that can do such.
She’s very friendly to anyone she meets. There are four vet clinics within 45 minutes that can scan for the chip. We’ve already contacted them all as well as the animal control departments for Butler and Carter counties.
My dog fits the term quite well. Wouldn't trade him for a Saint, but he has pissed me off for 13 1/2 years in some fashion or another.
Jameson's on ice is a good starter whiskey. Sorry brother. Keep the faith. Had a yellow lab that liked to run (he was intact) from time to time. We lived in Indiana farm country at the time, 2 days after he went missing me an my mom were driving around looking for him and ended up in the nearest podunk town about 5 miles away. Made the first turn off main street and there he was chained to a tree. Mom and I get out of the car, and the PWT guy living there tried to give us some BS that he was their dog. I was about 7th/8th grade and I remember popping off with a "F you, mister, that's my dog- he's got a black spot on his tongue and his name is Sonny." It took some back and forth, but eventually his old lady came out and told off her husband and we ended up taking him home. She probably got a beating for it too now that I look back and think about it. I also remember it took my mom some serious convincing to talk my old man out of going over later that day with an aluminum ball bat. Back when men were men.
Sorry to hear she hasn't made it home, yet. Bad month for dogs and 2020s, hopefully, last kicks to the groin.
It was told that Christmas time is a bad time for pets. They are stolen to be a gift for someone else. Hope your puppy turns up.Vets now check new patient pets for the chip so whoever has the pet has some explaining to do as how they got someone else's pet.
I got pure bred german shepard when I was about 22 years old. He was a puppy. I raised him and had him for 10 years. He was very loyal and very protective. I came home from work one day and he was just gone. Never found him and never heard another thing about him. He was 10 years old. But the only thing I could do was remember how loyal he was and how much he loved me. He was right by my side everyday for 10 years
Well guys, it was a busy day. Of course, Elly May hasn't shown up yet. She's listed as missing on some PawBoost website that shotguns the info out to all shelters and posts it on social media. I printed out a bunch of flyers offering a $300 reward for her safe return and drove all over the place today. I posted one at every gas station around, two grocery stores, the Ellsinore, MO Post Office and the Van Buren, MO Post office. Then I stopped at every house on this road and every house on every side road off of this road and knocked on every door. More than once I expected to hear banjo music. I stopped at one house with a Rottweiler outside. I took my chances and got out and knocked on the door. I didn't get shredded, but that Rottweiler shadowed every step I made and when I got in my truck and started to drive away it tried to eat the driver's side rear tire off my truck. Guess I dodged a bullet there. There was another house that had a Pit Bull outside. Thankfully they came outside when I pulled up, but the Pit Bull was a friendly little turd. Another house had three big black dogs. I got out of the truck and an older gentleman opened the door as the dogs got closer. I asked him if I'd be okay with the dogs and he replied "Probably". Okay. I didn't get shredded there either. I gave anyone who answered the door a flyer and if they didn't answer the door I put one in the screen door or wedged it in the door. I'm not sure what else I can do now except wait and hope.