How much do you guys pay to have a new serving put on? I had one put on my bowfishing bow (recurve) ealier at Bass Pro (first mistake). I got his little ticket thing and went to the front to pay. I paid and then walked out to my truck and come back to work. I then went to put my "no gloves" on and the freaking serving started to slide because it wasn't tight enough (second mistake). I only let them work on it because I don't have time to make it to my pro shop after work and I'm laeving to go to the river early in the AM. They close to early and are WAY to far away to go to during lunch. I ended up pay $20 for this pretty much usless serving:smash: (third mistake)
Time to invest $20 in a serving tool and a spool of serving thread. Replacing a serving is a basic skill that every archer should know how to do. It's really very simple. Here's all you need (more expensive stuff can be nice but this will get you by): or even simpler since you've got a Bass Pro Shop there:
What he said! I do my own. If work wasn't so screwed up today I'd mmet ya and do it for you. On Target in Canton is a much better bet than BassPro if you want it done right. its a bit out of your way but not too bad.
LOL, no problem Steve. Wings are always good though. :d Jim_IV it's really satisfying to do one's own. It's simple to learn and you then can do it when you want and will usually be better than most once mastered. In the past, I'd always immediately remove factory serving and install my own. I now don't have to with Bowtech as they they good but it's nice to be able to change it on a whim.
Wings are how I paid for me education up at PoorGuy's Archery. I agree with Rob, very satisfying and helpful to have that skill when you need it.