i hope this is not too personal of a question but i was wondering aftering reading some posts about getting out of one stand and getting into another.how many stands do you own??? i personally have 3 hang ons and one ladder stand, so 4 total. from the sounds of it i prob hunt the least out of anybody here but was just wondering do i need to beef my stand purchasing up a bit...
I think 12. I try to buy a few hang ons a year. I still have a ladderstand or two for the boys at camp that don't like the heights.
Got up to about 7 until they all disappeared within 2 years. I know it was my fault that I did not have locks on them but now I am down to a ladder stand, a hang on stand, and a climber that I do not like. Plan on gettin a saddle harness to hunt out of and that would fix my stand situation.
I have 7 LW Alpha Hang-Ons, 3 LW Assault Hang-Ons (the OLD ones from like 6 years ago), and 2 Gorilla stands. So I guess 12 total. Oh, and an Ol' Man that I won down at Campbell's and a Muddy Pro Hunter so I guess 15. The Gorillas and the small LW stands stay out pretty much year 'round and are in spots where we always have a stand every year. I use the LW Alpha Hang-Ons to stay mobile throughout the course of the season, and when we travel out of town. I think I have 4-5 sets of LW sticks that I keep with them as well.
one summit goliath climber, two ground blinds, two ladders though I have one two man ladder that I leave in place at my brothers. one hang on stand one home made hang on and a tree seat. the climber is my primary stand. they all have their purpose. one of my favorites for scouting is the tree seat. very light, and there always seems to be a place that would have been "just right" if there was only a log to sit on, so the tree seat was a perfect fit. I have never used climbing sticks. what are opinions on these?
Not counting 2 old relic climbers from my youth that should be in a museum, I have one climber and 4 hang ons. Even though I never put out any of hte hangons. I'll do the pack in & out with climbing stix.
3 LW hang ons w/8 climbing sticks and 2 climbers that we use more than anything because I broke my back many years ago and they are more comfortable than any hang on. We run and gun with our sets every year so owning numorus stands isn't really needed just the desire to move when you know you should!!Walt