I've gone three or four seasons without shooting a buck. I don't ever consider changing my standards. But with that said, a non-shooter buck option is always on the table with regards to bucks with bad genetics. I get just as much, well almost as much, satisfaction taking a buck with bad genes out of the deer herd as shooting a 140+ buck. Really the same would go for shooting a mature doe. I guess it depends on the hunter's specific guidlines he chooses to follow and I think those guidlines change according to the hunter's unique situation. If a hunter is a land-owner and has long term goals he may have drasticaly different guidlines as a hunter on a short term lease or public land with little time to be on stand. For me, I wouldn't change my standards because it's not really about killing, it's the close encounter and the whole experience of being a part of the outdoors. I think most bowhunters can relate. I also get alot of enjoyment watching bucks as they mature from season to season.
I gotta agree with Rybo here....I mean can you be a mature buck hunter if you have never even killed a buck?? Just a question.. I don't know the answer..can you be a selective hunter without taking several does and small bucks before hand?? I don't know...I started out over 20 yrs ago just wanting to kill A deer. then i moved to wanting to kill lots of deer, and then after I killed my first mature Non typical I said hey, I like these big antlers....but I still wanted to kill lots of deer no matter the size...That non typical was 16 yrs ago, I have killed several mature deer since then bow/gun and I still like to kill a fair number of deer every year.. I loike to kill big bucks and usually pass on small bucks every year, as long as I can shoot does...but as far as standards go, if he makes me say DAMN!!! then I shoot. But there were many years of crawling before i walked into the woods and allowed 4 pts and small 8 pts to walk by at 8 yds and never pick up the bow.....Just saying...this is how I did it, not saying it's wrong to do it another way, but as a young guy Siman, it may be good for you to kill some bucks and some does and get the kinks out...hell you may already have, I don't know your story at all, and you certainly have the right to do what you want.
"In the forum I hear 'em talk, The coldest story ever told, Somewhere far along this road He passed a 3yr old, and became so buckless How could you be so buckless? oh, how could you be so buckless? How could you be so Cold as the winter wind when it breeze yo Just remember that you talking to me tho' You need to watch the way you talking to me no I mean after all the bucks that we been through I mean after all the bucks we got into And yo I know some of bucks that you ain't told me And yo I killed some bucks but that's the old me...."
Rybo, i did that... Caleb learning a lesson in deer hunting It didnt work out as planned. I learned alot about deer hunting that day (my first deer i ever lost/wounded). I also decided to stick with my goals NO MATTER WHAT, because i tried to "cheat" (myself) and i failed bad. Im happy with the way my hunting career is going, and im aiming as high as you possibly can.
I personally think its silly to see a "mature" buck hunter that has only arrowed a handful of deer, let alone bucks.. I completely agree with Rybo.
I understand everything your saying Vabowman, But im not neccesarily NEW to this game, just not that experienced, Ive killed some deer in my life, bow and gun. Last year was the first year since i started bowhunting that i didnt get a bow kill...but i did still harvest a doe. Im no rookie to killing deer. But let me ask you, With deer running around like this: Woudl it temp you to aim a little "higher"? :d
So where do you think a guy should start? Is their a quota he needs to reach first? I think its a personal choice each hunter must make on his own.
Start where you like, I'm justing saying that if you aren't consistently putting down mature bucks, you really aren't a mature buck hunter. That's just my personal opinion.
Never did Caleb, myself or anyone say your not maturing as a buck hunter shooting young bucks. All he said was he himself (Caleb) Is maturing himself as a hunter by letting the small guys walk and sticking to his standards. Again, nothing wrong with that at all. Wouldn't you If you had a possible 190 Inch NT walking around near the property you hunt? Hunting In a different state or a different piece of property In late season would definitely change my standards. When I talk buck hunting on here I'm always talking about my home piece.
The buck pictured above was a bowkill. I never said i was aiming for ONLY those bucks pictured. All those bucks show is the UPPER limits of my area and the properties i can hunt. Would i be happy with something in-between what ive killed and that...hell yea i would be :d Ive already come to the realization that i could EASILY kill a 1.5 year old buck every year. Ive passed around 30 in bow range the last 2 seasons....do i personally think i will get better by shooting every 1.5 year old that walks by in a 1 buck state...hell no.
Where did i say i was a mature buck hunter? I said im going after a mature buck this season. How the hell do you become a mature buck hunter if the criteria is putting one down every year...you have to start somewhere?
I never harvested a doe. I've killed a lot of them. That said, filling your freezer with doe meat is fine and dandy if you live in an area with liberal doe or let's just say "A" doe permit. Everyone doesn't have that luxury. Some people forget that.
You can't get to that point until you start letting the young ones walk. My dad has shot 3 P&Y bucks In 35 years hunting them and I'd put money on It that he's probably let another 20 3.5's and 4.5's go by that were damn close to P&Y bucks. He's far from consistent killing wise but I'd call him a mature buck hunter any day of the week and then some. I've shot 2 mature bucks In 23 years of hunting deer. I bet I've let go another 15 or so give or take the last 18 years (most were 3.5's In that 120 to 130 Inch range). I can't call myself a mature buck hunter because I elected to pass on mature bucks that didn't meet my standards?
I wasn't ripping on DC at all, he's a good guy. I just didn't really agree with everything that was said, to each their own though.
To Stay out of the argument at hand i just want to anise the question this thread was made for. This is going to be my third year bowhunting and since i got the my First buck out of the way during last years gun season, I am now looking for a mature buck and letting the little guys go from now on. Just my personal choice, so don't hate on me for it.
I went 9 without one... this included rifle and muzzleloader seasons. Mostly because I wasn't seeing them at all for some reason. But a nice 150+ 10 pointer 2 years ago and a decent 8 pointer last season have hopefully gotten me back on track...:d
Simon that is a great deer and I understand that those caliber of bucks are on your property and I do see why you would be more selective. Like I said, I have no idea of your experience, I do know you are very young and you very motivated, if you have taken several deer with the bow/gun then you have nothing to explain to me or anyone. I would love to see you kill a buck or 2 or 5 like the one in the pic.. My only concern was that when that moment comes at 12 yds have you been there enough times on deer in general to close the deal..?? It's kind of like saying you want to only fish the Elite series BASS with only minimal local tourny's under your belt...being in those intense situations with deer close in and making the shot and recovery on any deer is only going to help you connect on those brutes. That was all Im saying. You are a smart guy, and very humble guy from what I have seen on here, you do what your heart tells you. Good luck buddy and do it your way..