I expound off that last statement to say that if I want meat or to shoot a deer, I'll shoot a baldy. As far as bucks go, there is no set number of inches.
I applaud this level of hunting! I believe there are different levels or stages of hunting. They may not be as cut and dried as some profess but they are there. It takes a lot to get to this stage of hunting. One must have paid his dues to get here. I'll admit, I have seen some almost jump right in at this level, my son is one of them. Not a lot of people do though. I went through a lot of stages. Just trying to get a deer. Trying to get a lot of deer, especially bucks. Start hunting for mature bucks. (Learning to PASS!) Consistently taking mature bucks. Settling down???? I'm not sure about that last one but I think I might be there. Although I have 2 pretty good spots in Ill to hunt, I don't think I'm going to be hunting there this year. Instead, I believe I'll be concentrating on my spot up north in WI. I've been going up there for quite a while now and I'm looking to buy some land in the area. The GF and I plan to move there after retirement. In the general area where I'll be hunting there are not a lot of big bucks. They get shot up pretty good. You might see a 140 as a top end buck for the area and might get 1 chance per season. There are bigger but it would be like winning the lotto. Who knows, by spending more time there I hope to increase those odds. I'm also thinking that it would be fun to manage your own place and try to increase your odds even more! That's the direction I'm headed now.
As long as it takes. I think it shows alot about a hunters maturity when they go buck less year after year because of a set goal.
I have not shot a buck since I started hunting again 5 years ago and it doesn't bother me one bit. I have plenty of does to shoot though. If I didn't, my opinion would most likely be different. I enjoy venison too much.
There are different ways of looking at that statement, I suppose "maturity" is one. Insanity could be another by doing the same thing and expecting different results. Arrogance maybe...I guess if you set your goal so high as to not be realistically be achieved, then when you fail, you can still use the "well look how high my standard" is excuse. Then there is stupidity, if you really think you have a chance of killing "X" caliber of a buck, when reallistically you don't have a snowball's chance.
I don't think it's really about maturity. I think more about what a hunter wants. If someone is happy shooting any sized deer their whole life then more power to them. Some hunter's wants change over time (it has for me) while for others it doesn't.
I'm with Greg on this one. Antlers are too tough even after boiling for 6 hours and taste like crap :d
My statement is directed more towards "real" hunters with "real" goals. Of course their is going to be the extremists.
I think some of you are taking Calebs (Simans) answer too much to heart. When your willing to put the time In and go without a buck (whatever number of years It takes) your sticking to your goals or maturing as Caleb said as a hunter. Nothing wrong with that In my opinion.
Thank you Steve. You pretty much fit my example to a T. I also have some family members who started me in this bowhunting craze who are the same way. Its not just about killing deer to kill deer, its about achieving that personal goal and having a good time along the way. Maybe even bragging and trash talking a little :d
I've always tried to shoot a NICE deer. I don't go into 1 1/2 or 2 1/2 etc. If I like the deer and he suits my fancy I whack 'em. Any further deer I try to be sure are bigger than the previous one for that year. First I get some meat and then I can relax. Depends where I'm hunting a lot. Here where I live it's going to die if it has some horns. Ohio??? I've let a lot of deer walk waiting for something better. If I'm on someone elses land I always ask their wishes and abide.
Want to get crazy with numbers? Try fall of 2003. Last time I arrowed a buck:D The next 4 yrs I only hunted about 6 days each season, but still. Yes, I suck, but it's going to take MANY more years than that to get me to change my approach.
I have no problem going year after year waiting for the particular "shooter" buck. I harvested 2 doe last season and my freezer is full.
Nothing in my current hunting situation would lower my standards. Don't really like the word "standards" though. I would not shoot a deer on the last hunt if I wouldn't shoot it on the first hunt. It stays the same no matter what property I'm hunting. I don't think that makes me any better or any worse than the next hunter. It is just what I personally choose to do. The threat of not having venison in the freezer is the only thing I can currently think of that would make me shoot a deer I normally would not. Having plenty of venison has never been a problem though, even during the 7 years I did not hunt.
I agree with Dubs here. I didn't harvest a buck last year, but I fudged up two quality opportunities are very respectable deer. So although I didn't put my tag on one, I don't think it was from lack of trying. I also had a nice buck that was a sure 2 1/2, very possibly a 3 1/2, with a busted rack give me a chip shot in December but just couldn't do it because I felt like I would regret it if I did. I put two does on the ground and had a hell of a fun season, so I felt "fulfilled" so to speak. Another season or two without a buck on the ground and the outcome of that decision may be quite different. After all, I enjoy killing me some deer.
I don't know. I went two full seasons without shooting a buck in 2005 and 2006 b/c I had a big buck or bust mentality. I passed all kinds of smaller bucks. I didn't have a buck within range that was over 4 pts during 2005 and 2006. I saw some bigger bucks but none came within range. By 2007 I still held to a big buck or bust mentality until a smaller 6 pointer crossed my path and offered me a clean 10 yard shot about a month into the season. I took the shot and felt great about taking that buck. So I guess it took me about 2-3 years. I also realized I was not a good mature buck hunter over the course of those years. That put a shot to my ego....it made me a much better bowhunter once I realized I needed to work harder year round to get close to bigger bucks.
I was mostly just trying to prod a young guy to think about his statement as much as anything, maybe I got a little nit picky. There is no shame in re-evaluating ones situation, which may include loosing the arrow on a buck at a different point in time may have safely walked by. To perpetually go year in and out without achieving ones goals(or at least being put in situations where you had a chance) to me is rather bull headed. Not to get all cliche, but sometimes you have to crawl before you walk, and sometimes you have to step back in order to move ahead.