Maybe 30 bucks and only a handful of does/fawns. Actually saw way more bucks than does this year, and what was really weird was of all those bucks only 1 was a yearling buck, a spike. All the rest were 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 years old. I waited for, and got, the biggest deer I knew of in the area, a 4 1/2 yr old 10 point.
Not many I did let every buck I saw walk, they were all little, but the baldies...I was rough on them. And I'm not done
1.5 year old bucks- around 12 2.5 year old bucks- 3 3.5 or 4.5 year old- 1. He's a high 120's 10 point. Not sure if he is a 3 or 4 year old. Doe's- not sure. 20 or so. Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk
Yea FEB, I'm still around. I was over the "other side" this year, hoping for better/different results. I was let down. On a brighter note, nice to see some familure names here again. Shultzy, I see you're still shooting the recurve!
I've let 30+ deer by closer than 15 yards, but as far out to 45yds I have no clue too many to count. I have yet to see big shooter sitting other than on camera and I let a 10pt and a bigger 8pt go during shotgun season so hopefully I see them again in late bow season.
I've passed five bucks this year. That doesn't include all those that were out of range. I'm not sure how many does.
Passed 3 1.5 y/o bucks so far, 2 four points and 1 spike. Does the doe I missed count as letting her walk??? :D
Too many to count and I'm beginning to feel the pressure of a bow season that's quickly coming to an end. I'm trying to harvest bucks that are 150"+ and mature on the family farm. If it weren't for the bucks on my wall from my first two seasons I'm pretty certain I'd have gotten itchy and drilled a 3 year old. I'm thankful I've been able to see them, and pass them, but it's starting to grind on me. If I can whack a doe in the next few sits this season will be a success.
My season was pretty dismal in Pa. I saw 4 deer total in 6 weeks. I passed on a spike and a 6pt but neither were legal so I didn't really have a choice. In Ohio I have passed on several deer because I know there are a couple decent bucks there. I have just not been able to connect with them. A couple close calls but no shots.
I guess you keep some sort of journal on every hunt? Because, I have no clue on the exact amount of deer I've passed this season. I do know a I passed one 115-120" 2.5 year old (maybe 3.5 year old) 8-point. He was the biggest buck I had in bow range this year. I've had a lot of 1.5 year old bucks walk within bow range this year, like every year. I passed on plenty of does in the early season holding off for one of the bucks on my hit list that have been in and around the group of does all year long. At this point, I won't take a doe. Deer numbers are down this year and the neighbors have killed plenty of does in my area. I'm after one buck from now to the end of season.
Not sure on the exact number, but somewhere around 15 bucks ranging from a nub-buck to 140 inches. I also passed a booner at 30 yards slightly quartering away. I was hunting from the ground and he stood there for about 5 minutes. I had some equipment issues and had to have a new cable and string put on my bow that morning and my groups weren't very tight so I decided to keep my shots within 20 yards to avoid wounding an animal. That one still irks me, but my season is not over and I'll get another crack at him later this season. As far as does go, I've only seen 3 this season.
I let 7 different bucks walk numerous times each on my own property in MN. And countless does. In SD where I hunt public I let one fork horn walk and one doe. It was a rough here in SD for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nine different bucks. Not including nubs. Some if them multiple times. Passed three different nub bucks for sure because they were all together. And I passé probably 4 doe fawns
I can't even begin to tell you, but I will guess ....2 dozen ish? Some I regret not shooting and 3 I let go bu way of miss BTW, great to see you positing again, Bro!
I let them all walk. Passed up too many shots to count but many of them were on repeats. May have set my goals too high.