I was curious how many folks have let legal deer walk this season, and how many? I have let 2 small bucks, 5 yearlings, and 3 adult doe (waiting for a trailing buck) walk. I've only killed one adult doe so far, and haven't seen a shooter buck. I let this little guy go by at 10 yrds on Halloween and he continued to walk right in front of my trail cam. Seems he like posing. lol
Oh my gosh...I have no idea to be honest. I lost count at around 20 deer I let walk...four total the morning I shot my nine point that I got on camera before the nine came through. I expect 40'ish would be a conservative guess and about half of those were spikes, forks, buttons and I know at least a dozen were legal 8,9 and 10's that were young deer.
wow...ya I let quite a few walk!! I let a shooter 120-130 class bucks in Illinois walk, (on film...does that count towards anything? LOL)I let a 8 pointer back here walk 2 times...(again on film?? no? lol) countless doe fawns, a few spikes a forky...
Not sure really. Over 20 deer total but couldve been same deer just different days. Let 3-4 legal bucks walk. A five, six, and two eight points.
I should add in mine also...some of the small bucks and does could have been the same deer on different days. A lot of those look so similar there's no way to tell them apart. The legal bucks I counted were all different deer.
Not very many. I think I let 2 fawns, and one legal buck (5 pt with a 12-13" spread) walk. And I passed on a legal antlerless buck. Both antlers were broken off at less than 3" making him a legal "doe". I should have shot him, but I didn't. I probably had 2-3 sub-legal bucks pass. I saw a lot, just not many in range.
I passed one one small legal two year old buck over thanksgiving weekend. Over the season, I have passed on about 20 legal does, but only because they did not come into range. I took the one doe that came into range. I haven't seen any shooter bucks.
74 bucks with a bow, 107 gun bucks. Baldies? hundreds. They have to be over 140 or mortally wounded for me.
2 mature does w/ fawns 3 fawns of previously mentioned does 2 other fawns 4 yearling does 3 spikes 2 sub-adult bucks (6-7 pt) I've shot 1 mature 9 pt and 1 yearling doe.
This was my first year bowhunting... I passed 5 smaller bucks and about 10 fawns/does. I took an adult doe. During gun season I passed on 4 bucks and about 10 does.
Early in? The other day I was thinking about names I don't see anymore, you were one of them. Where the heck you been? I've let about a dozen deer pass. All spikes, forks and buttons except for one decent 8pt.