5 pins out to 60. 98% of all I hunt is 20 yds or less. This last year I did have a set up at 60 yds. At the time I had been shooting out to 60yds just for practice for months. One day when I was out walking around a lease, I came across a major trail cutting across a clearing. I pulled out my range finder and began figuring out where I could set up. From the angle they were coming in, I had to go long. FOr a week straight, I practiced shooting the distance (62 yds actually). I was on level ground, behind a row of thick brush and was able to put all of my broadheads into a 6 in circle. I was set!! I never had the chance to take a deer though. To windy to even try. My dad had a shot with his rifle though, and missed.
i have 3 at 10,20,and 30. but when i read alot of these posts i wonder why alot of you tend to skip the 10 pin and go right to the twenty? any reason for this?