5- 20-30-40-50-60 Wouldnt shoot at a deer past 35 though probably, maybe 40 if I have been shooting alot. Others are for practice.
3 pins set at 15, 25 & 35...seemed like I had more issues with those distances when shooting at 20,30 & 40, so I adjusted,and somehow managed to shoot better that way. One of them there "feeling" things, I guess
I actually set my sight up like this for hunting AND 3D. My set-up is 24, 32, 40, 48. I have had set-ups with a 5th pin, and the 5th was at 55yds, with the first 4 being the same at 270-280fps. With my slower bows (255-260fps), I set pins at 22, 29, 35, 40. These distances are "error-friendly," allowing for a minor miscalculation in yardage but still resulting in a good hit. I'll never be a "great archer," but I'll try hard to be "good archer," and an ethical hunter. For those of you who set up a pin under 20yds, have you ever shot at 2yd increments and seen what variations you get in your trajectory??? This is part of the reason I set my pins the way I do. I know that my 24 yds pin is going to hit about 2.5" high at 16-17yds, but at distances closer and farther, it's going to be closer to dead on. From 40-48yds, I drop about 1" per yard, therefore, I know where my holdover needs to be, past 60, I drop nearly 1.5" per yard, and having not-so-great vision, I find it hard to hold a pin and focus overly well at anything over 60yds.
1-pin @ 20 yards. If I hold the top of the back I get 30 yards, last two deer were @ 27 & 28 yards DEAD on!!!
One pin it is the Vital Bow Gear Star Bright slide, I have settings for 20/30/40/50 but while hunting I keep it on 25 yards and only move it when I have time.. Walt
One pin in an adjustable custom bow equipment sight.When hunting it is set at 30 yards.I just adjust how or low based at the range I am shooting at.I really like the simplicity of one pin and not having a lot of clutter in my sight housing.
Use to be 3 pins because I had fat ones and needed the space. Was 20,35,50. Got a new Dead Nuts and I went 4 pins 20,30,40,50. I probably won't shoot anywhere close to 50, but I might get good enough someday. That and I really don't think a 10 yard pin is needed.
I shoot 3 pins 25, 35, and 45. I don't know why I like to have them set at 5yds more, I guess it is because my first pin works good for 30 yds and I like to shoot my targets at that distance the most. Although I did scew up this past year when I had a doe come out at 15yds and it seen me when I pulled my bow back so I put the pin on her quick and fired (stupid) I shot her too high.
sword twilight hunter. 5 pins 20,30,40,50,60 The 40-60 is mainly used for 3D But ocassionaly 40 for hunting (rare)
One pin. But I have yardage markers at 20-70 yards. In a hunting situation, I leave it set @ 25 yards. Inch and a half high @ 20, same low at 30. Easy peasy.
Currently I shoot 3 pins. 20, 30 & 40. I'll be buying the NXS Bowsight when it comes out and it has 5 pins.
3 pins, 20, 30, 40 yds. I'm considering going to a 5 pin trophy ridge because I might be going out west for elk and 50-60 yd shots are not out of the question.
I have a Team Extreme sight with 5 pins. I have them set for 20-30-40-50-60. 50 and 60 are for practice and occasional target shoots. I prefer to use the first 2 pins