I started this thought in Jeff's thread, but decided to end it where I did and start a new one. Let's say, just for the sake of this discussion, that your personal standard for killing a buck was 150". How many consecutive years are you willing to eat your tag before you lower your standards, if even only 10", just to taste that success again? I can tell you, w/out a doubt, that if I had to eat my tag for 2 or 3 consecutive years, I would lower that standard a bit. I could go a season or 2 (in fact, I did, last season) w/out killing a buck. I let a 100" non typical walk last fall (had him DEAD at 12 yards) and I can tell you assuredly that if he, or one that size, walks past me this fall I'm shooting him. I simply don't have the success under my belt yet to let many nice deer pass me by.
I think the biggest factor is if you are consistently not being able to obtain your "personal standard" after multiple years you need to do one of two things: A.) Evaluate your standard to see if it realistic for the environment you hunt. If it is a realistic and your standard CAN be achieved in the area you hunt, then move onto point B. B.) Evaluate your hunting strategy to see if you are giving yourself the highest percentage of shots to obtain this standard. This is not to say you will have dry spells even with a realistic standard, but at some point you need to maintain a standard that you are COMPLETELY comfortable with.
My goal for the last 2 years = mature buck I have passed roughly 30 or more in that time, but its well worth it. I have not even drawn my bow on a mature buck yet. I did have the incident where i tried taking a 1.5 year old 8 point on film that didn't work out this year though. All that being said, i don't believe i will lower my standards if i go buckless next year.
I am with you Mobow, I have done it for a year, but I dont think I could go much longer then that. I just dont have that many archery kills under my belt yet, to be that picky. Not to mention that I dont really see that many bucks.
I can resist anything except temptation, so I don't think I'd make it long at all. 1 year, thats it. If I didn't reach my goal in one year I'd lower that goal and make it a progressive thing. Being able to kill 2 bucks in Texas is a help. I could "settle", and then try for my goal buck.
Talking strictly whitetails here... Well, one down:d I don't think I am going to lower my standards even if it means a few years without a buck. Killing something is the end goal, but if I lowered my standards then it would not feel satisfactory to me. Granted I am not one of the 150" or bust bunch, but I decided that I will not shoot a 2.5 year old deer again. I passed up a few nice ones this year and am fine with the fact that I did not get anything. I plan on keeping that mindset for as long as I can see into the future.
I lowered mine to achieve success in a first archery buck. Last year I consistently passed taking shots at 3 seperate deer that were as big or bigger than mine. This year I took 1 92" 8 point and have never been happier. It certainly isn't big for this area, and my prior goal WAS realistic....I just needed that first buck down before I set out after it. I have to re evaluate how I hunt in order to reach the point I want to be at. The size bucks are there, just a matter of me putting myself on them.
I could go for 3-5 years but I dont think I could do much better than that.... I attribute that to hunting a place where there are many does that need to be taken as well as exotics to boot... Example, this year I did not get the opportunity to kill the whitetail buck I was after but I was able to kill 1-undesireable buck (4 1/2 y.o. 4 point), 3-Does, 4-hogs and 1-gold medal Sika.... I could do this for a while, letting the little whitetail bucks walk in hopes of getting the one I want... Now, if my circumstances were different, I may not have the will to hold out....
I have gone 3 seasons so far without killing a buck while passing many young ones. It might be a different story if there weren't plenty of doe tags available every year providing me with the opportunity to shoot deer. I feel like I can go as long as it takes to reach my goal. I would be disappointed in myself if I gave in.
Well then I'm in trouble, because it's been a few yrs since I've killed a buck w/my bow. I've passed on a small one last yr, that I was at full draw on. I happy just shooting does, because my main reason for doing this is for food. It's a bonus if a good size buck comes into view.
I have now gone 3 seasons since committing to serious bowhunting. I was a mild weekend warrior before and had never taken a buck with my bow. (I still haven't, although I have an unknown out there from this season that I have an ongoing debate with Rob on) Anyhow, I digress. I can go at least a few more seasons before I set my sights lower. Perfect example from earlier this year. October Pass That wasn't the first buck that I had pass, just the first that was on film. I had a larger 7 the year before that almost tempted me, but I wasn't upset at the end of 2007 and 2008 was no different. I know what I want and have and will make every attempt to capture it. I am happy being a nanny wacker until I cross paths with the buck I want. Two buck tags, hell yes I would have smoked that buck in the video. I guess that's why PA has not made that a law yet. I do think that PA should offer an extra buck tag at a substantial price (50-100 dollars), before the season. Say 25,000 of them or so. They would sell out every year and not affect the herd. Just my opinion.
I guess I need to clarify......If you're shooting does you ARE getting the satisfaction of the end means. Let's assume you don't shoot any does...
Im with you Don, before our lease any decent buck was game, because hunting pressure was herendous. after our lease we decided to let some grow and shoot only the big ones. I have since tasted what it was like to have three big ones on the wall and have close calls with others, and it got hard to shoot the smaller ones. However After having helped the herd grow through pickiness for 4-5 years, seeing monsters during the summer that were never there before, and having EHD wipe them out before the season, made my standards change 2 seasons ago. I shot a 2.5 101" buck that made me happy at the time. However, this season i was back in Let em grow mode but was surprised to find 7 very nice bucks that were shooters but couldnt get shots at. I went tag soup on the bucks but had an absolute awesome season. Im good for 2 maby three seasons of that, but any longer ill loose an arrow at a 2.5 buck with at least 8 points like i did in 2007.
I've gone 2 years now without tagging a PA buck. This year could prove to be quite a test and honestly I cannot say how i will react if I get a 100" + buck standing in front of me. If I do go buckless this season, I will seriously evaluate my situation. If I realize I'm not that good to keep attempting to hold to the standards I;ve set, I will shoot the 1st decent buck that gives me a chance. If I couldn't shoot a doe, there would not be any legal buck that is safe. But fortunately that isn't the case.
Then my standards would definitely be lower. I wouldn't want to go a year without venison, and depending how my season is going, any legal buck could be a target.
I've went much longer then 2 years without a buck and In no way what so ever did I lower my standards that year or the following year. Your either going to manage your buck herd or not, that's the way I look at It. I can shoot a doe If I need meat or need to kill something.
I've personally set a goal of 1-teens or better. i might still take a BB for the meat but any with visible antlers get a pass until around 120". Now that may change in the future, but if you set the bar too high you may be waiting a long time. there are also other factors to consider, like an interesting rack with some wierd points. i think 150" is really a high standard.