My buddy from Montana strings/unstrings his bows with his leg, never uses a stringer.. Your thoughts on this procedure? is it hard on our bows? I have done it a couple times, but is this a bad habit to get into? thanks in advance.
Are you talking about the push pull method or step through method? Neither are recommended, especially for recurves. The step through is notorious for twisting limbs and the push pull has put it's fair share of eyes out. On light weight longbows, I usually just do the push pull but I always use a stringer with a recurve.
I try to use a stringer all the time but sometimes I cheat. If I have my bow quiver on I have to use a stringer.
I used to do the step-through. I have a bow with a twisted lower limb to prove it. I now use a stringer or hand it to Kendall who does the push-pull thing with 'em. (carefully) Tho' he has a bow with a slight limb twist too. Not sure if it's from the stringing or whatever) I have a longbow that's so long I can't string it with a stringer, I can't reach the limb tips.
Guilty for both types of bows. I'm very careful about paying attention to keep the forces straight on to the limbs and not twist them. Never been a problem but I've got skinny chicken legs.
For my HH type longbows and my selfbows I push/pull, other then that I use a stringer. Most of my recurves stay strung though.
My Longbows I do the Push/Pull method, the recurves I always use a stringer! The recurves always get unstrung, my longbows I shoot daily and just leave them strung!
I've done both in a pinch. I try to use a stringer all the time now though. I will say that push/pull with a longbow is rather slick.
Lets see we have a dozen shafts, sheild cut feathers, arm guard, MBB3 DVD,100gr brass inserts and now a stringer add to that the tabs Joe is sending, the fletch tape from Bobby plus the bow are you sure the British mailman is gonna be able to pick up the box:d :evil:
Here you go Bails. Save the Postman's back would ya? I made my own and seems to work well for me. See if this link works.
I do with every bow I have. I should use a stringer, and have no excuse not to. I just keep on doing like I have for years and years. I guess its a bad habit.