Just wondering. A light rain drizzling morning hunt after work produced no deer sighting and one coyote. The yote lives no more. Sighting does with only one fawn than I can remember combined with more coyotes than I can remember......I'm not hesitating taking them out. Sorry no pics, left my camera at home rushing out to the woods.
Coug, I wouldn't hesitate to take them out either espically if not seeing to many deer!!!!!!! Best of Luck to ya :D
I will absolutly target a yote given the chance. I got my first last season and grazed one the year before. I have four things on my list this year. Shooter buck, Doe, Tom and a Yote. The Tom and Doe are checked off :D two to go
I'm shooting every coyote that steps in front of me regardless of weapon. So far I'm 3 for 3, one bow, one rifle, one shotgun.
I've seen one from stand so far. Couldn't get a shot off, he was haulin' A, and they don't stop much!!
Never hesitate to shoot coyotes when I see them, regardless of my weapon. In the off season I call and shoot them.
Crap!! I'd really love to see that pic! :D I've got mixed feelings on taking out a yote right now... I want one REALLY badly, but I don't have a ton of disposable cash at this exact moment and I would HAVE to mount him if I killed him -- it's been a goal for a LONG time. :D
I average 1 sighting a year while hunting...and have never shot one. Don't think I would during the good part of deer season...I want a deer more than a yote most days ...But man do I hear them nearly everytime I'm in the woods at dark...
I always shoot yotes when they give me a chance. I saw a bobcat Sunday morning. Now that would be a great trophy
I'm two for two. But both still live...I think. One Jeep, One snowball. (see below) Please choose wiser words in the future. People at my work think I'm crazy when I laugh randomly. Got one of them with a snowball too! Ornery bast@rd$!!! lol. I was stationed at MCMWTC and yotes, and bobcats roamed free throughout the base. I would try to peg them any chance I got. But once I got my bow out there, I never saw another one at.
After deer season closes I spend the rest of the winter months calling them in, it too much fun and it keeps me in the woods! I've missed one with my Bow, killed one with my Bow and killed a dozen or so with the Savage 204.
I kill 'em every chance I get, regardless of weapon But I did shoot on a couple weeks ago. Blood trailed him 30 yards or so and he had ran down into his den. I don't know if I'm more upset that I couldn't get him or that I have a coyote den 50 yards from my stand!!
I'll take out a yote if it comes by my stand. Same goes for bobcats. Here's my mount from one killed in '06.