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How many are as hardcore as I am?

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Greg / MO, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. stikbow26

    stikbow26 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 26, 2008
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    GR8, You made a great point becuase like you I started the same way kinda. I started with a bow in hand at 5 years old but have alot of great memories from deer camp with cousins and dads and grand parents, but I also like Rob have seen the ugley side of guns. And that is when I kinda started to really go to just the bow and being a loner because none of my buddies were as serious as I was about big bucks,so I might have been at camp with others but always hunted by myself in all scouting hunting everything. Then Todd came along and then WKP and a cameraman in the tree and now I can't imagine ever being in a tree alone again. I think we could put this thread to rest. Hunting is hunting but some hunting is not for some while some would hunt with pebbles if it puts them in the woods.. And not trying to be a hypercric(spelling) My brother has just the last year got me into yote hunting with a gun and I must say I am having fun!!Walt
  2. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    My 1st year hunting (12 years old) my dad told me he wanted me to gun hunt as well besides just bow hunt to make sure that I would expierence gun hunting as well. My dad Is 100% a bow hunter, he don't gun hunt but he wanted to make sure I had the chance to do It If I wanted. My gun hunting career lasted about 4 hours on stand opening morning. That was enough for me, It didn't feel right one bit. No knock on anyone who gun hunts, It's just not my style of hunting just as Is hunting with a compound, I don't care for that either. Some day I may hunt with a compound again If my body says I need to. If I can't do the compound thing anymore then a ML will be my 1st real gun hunting experience.
  3. Rick James

    Rick James Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    West Central IL
    I saw and contemplated a response to this thread for a few days. In short.......I guess I'm not that hardcore.

    After taking dozens of animals with a bow, including my largest buck to date, and my best overall turkey, I still get off on hunting with a rifle/shotgun. There are lots of days that I carry the bow during rifle season, but epecially opening weekend of rifle seasons in NY and's a tradition. Carrying the bow on opening weekend of the rifle season just doesn't feel right......I've done it before.

    One thing to think of.......the bucks we hunt during bow season act and move MUCH differently than the bucks of rifle season, at least where I hunt. After hunting the northeast part of the country exclusively for 17 seasons, I have only seen 4x seperate bucks of the 3.5+ y/o age class during a firearms season. During bow seasons, I see 1-2 per year. It's still a challenge, it still gets me excited, and when it doesn't anymore.......I'll hang the rifle up for good.

    With Lisa's interest in trying out hunting this season, I'll be hunting by her side this year, and will carry the .270 as backup for her until she puts one down. I'm looking forward to sharing the tradition with her, that's for sure. :beer:

    The one thing I really don't like at all is muzzleloaders. They are so messy and a PITA to clean. I've got one and hunted with it and killed a few deer as well........but honestly I would much rather hunt with the bow. At least my bow doesn't smell like rotten eggs when it goes off.......:deer:
  4. Greg / MO

    Greg / MO Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Jackson, MO
    That's awesome, Bob... a heck of a tradition -- one to be extremely proud to have partaken in.
  5. Frank / Pa

    Frank / Pa Weekend Warrior

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Harrisburg, Pa
    Dang it I was in the middle of a HUGE reply and something kicked me out.
    Bottom line is this we all have a common goal to show division between gun and bowhunter is a black eye for all of us. As was referenced in MY post in regards to tradition in the PA hardwoods. It really should not matter for we share the common goal of being a sportsman, we enjoy hunting camps, days in the field and the kill/ harvest. Regardless of choice of method of taking game. truly one is not "better" than the other it is a matter of preference. For those who look down on one or the other shame on you. You look like a snob. For whatever reason, go out, have fun.

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