3 or 4 year and a half old bucks with a bow i've killed and 1 - 2 1/2 buck with a bow tryin to work my way up the mountain!!!!!! i wont say never but i'll try not to shot a 1 1/2 year buck.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I was younger I shot one that I mistook for a doe; won't make that mistake again, nor will I shoot one knowingly.
A bunch.............5 I think with the bow. Will I ever shoot another one?? Let's just say that if I have an unfilled tag in my pocket and you're a deer that tag is for................my advice is BE CAREFUL I have shot big deer, small deer, young deer, old deer, bucks, does, and fawns.........I honestly don't get the fascination with the myth of "maturity".
I've killed alot of them. The last one I killed was in 2005, I've been hunting mature deer since then. I'll be honest, I can have a spike walk in and I'm still reaching for the bow..... it takes alot of restraint for me to not shoot a deer.
9, with a 10th one that's up for debate. It seemed far too big bodied for a 1.5 yr old, but the rack only goes around 85" For most of my life I just followed the mentality that you shot the 1st buck to walk past without even questioning it. Will I ever shoot another 1.5? Doubtful, but not going to say never. With trad gear it's possible or if my hunting situation drastically changed from what it is now.
3. 2 when I was 13-14 years old and one when I started bowhunting again about 6 years ago. Haven't felt the urge to shoot one since. I won't say I never will again because who knows what my future hunting will bring. As long as there are plenty of does in the areas I hunt and few bucks 2.5+, I will continue to shoot does and let the yearling bucks walk. I still enjoy seeing them even if I know I'm not going to shoot them.
I killed a 1.5 yr old buck around 12 years ago but haven't done it since. I killed some 2.5 year olds after that but I don't shoot them anymore either. No, my first buck with bow was a mature 4.5+ year old (got lucky). No
I am htinking every buck I ahve ever shot was 1 1/2 yr old? I took my largest racked buck last year, I assume it was definantely a 1 1/2yr old but i have killed plenty of biger body deer? This year alone I have passed on 5-6 1 1/2 yr old bucks, I tend to do so for as long as I hunt but I can never say never? It all depends on the situation I may be in?
I have only killed 1, and it was with a shotgun and I could of swore that I was shooting at a doe. We were doing a deer drive and a deer came busting across a field about 60 yards and I didn't see any horns so I pulled the trigger. When I walked up on it I was very surprised to see it had 3 points. He was my first antlered buck so I wasn't disappointed at all. I think I was like 13 or 14 at the time. I try very hard now to keep my limits to a 3.5 year old or older animal. Last year during shotgun season I passed on a beautiful 10 pointer that I judged at 2.5. He would of been my largest scoring deer I had killed, and I later killed a a smaller but older 8 pointer. Had that 2.5 year old 10 pointer walked by me when I had my bow in the stand with me then I may of been even more tempted to let an arrow fly at him.
Alright. I was contemplating taking this 5 point, but he really hasn't been too terribly difficult. I have passed him quite a few times. I'm feeling pressure to get a buck down on the ground as I said, this will be season 7 without an archery buck if I eat my tag again. "Good" 2.5"+ bucks don't really come up often on the property I hunt. Maybe one a season, so if I was a betting man, I would bet against myself, but if it's not my year, it's not my year. I can't honestly say I would be proud of that buck if I put it down, so maybe that's a sign.