What's this? Ignore Bobby night? I can take a hint. 9 hits and no answers? Hmm, did I make someone mad?
Mine has been strung 95% of the time since I've had It, 14 years this year. At times I've had It strung for at least 3 years straight with out unstringing It, If not longer then that. Just keep an eye on It to make sure the limbs don't twist If you leave It strung. I have no worrys one bit leaving mine strung.
Is that normal Steve? Or do you just have an exceptionally well made bow? Serious question, cause I don't wanna screw up my bow. Thanks, Bobby
I've talked with bowyers who've left there bow strung for many years just to see If the limbs would get weak on them. All the guys I talked with never had a problem. The biggest problem might be the string and not the limbs but then again I'm only going on 4 strings In 14 years with my recurve, that's pretty good If you ask me. Leaving a bow strung In a hot area Isn't a good Idea though. If It bothers you any, just unstring It when your not using It. Allot of guys will unstring there bow when there not using It just to be safe, nothing wrong with that either.
Hold on.Dont start throwing chairs...ya get it Bobby night/knight?:d I leave mine strung pretty long and its no different than a compound except that you have to be sure not to lean it in a corner or lay it on its side.Hang it up.
I shoot my bows a lot, if not daily every other day, so I leave em' strung, as long as I'm shooting them daily, otherwise, I unstring them!! My son's 65' K-Mag, he's not shooting this one as much as his 69' Grizzly, I leave the K-Mag unstrung!
I leave the recurves that I am using strung. I unstring my longbows and selfbows after every session.
Depends on the bow. If it is organic, unstring it after every use session (not every shot). If its a glass lam, you can keep it strung for long, long periods of time. I still unstring all my bows, glass or not. I have had organic bows strung all day with no problem, I just would not leave one stored while strung. It could cause excess follow.
Just don't leave that Hickory Backed selfbow strung very long after its been out hunting all day in the rain. :-)