I'm reading this thread at work and the people around think I'm nuts because all I'm doing is snorting coffee out of my nose onto my screen !!! This is hilarious !!! #1, He can't turn in his man card since he was never given one in the first place !!! #2, I don't know if there are any girls out there that are not as smart as him !!! If there are, I don't know if they would hang with him !! #3, this sounds like one of those soap operas...you know "As the Stomach Turns" !!!
Believe me Jeff, the only thing i have on my mind right now is enjoying life before the "real" responsibilities come (and that means staying with Sam, because she makes me happy :d )
Best highschool advice I can give you is the same advice my grandfather gave to me: If she smokes she pokes so you better get on the train while you have the chance
Well, Where I Do I fit in all the High School Drama? Ive been with the same "girl" for 5 years next month, and I'll turn 21 in July, and 8 days later... Married... Ive been blessed... High School... ahh.. the memories
I go out of town for a few weeks, and now I return to see my fav Bowtech has arrived!!! I just broke up with my g/f of 6 months today Bowtech, so we are in the same boat. Except, the only prospects I have is the over weight, divorced with 3 kids, secretary that works across the hall from me. She told me that should "put it on me" a few weeks ago. Frankly, she frightens me.
Hooker, knew you had to be on here somewhere lol And no were not in the same boat, your seems to be sinking because its over the weight capacity (based off what you said)
Aaron, (Buckmaster) I don't mean to recant my previous post, but there are some exceptions to the rule. You and your lovely bride are one of them I believe. I can see it in your eyes in every picture of the two of you. I was engaged at 20 to a my HS sweetheart. I chased her all over the country even after she gave the ring back then came home etc. So I am a little swayed. You seem to have gotten it right, right from start kudos man and good luck.
I think im in love already, i couldnt sleep last night because reality just became better then my dreams.
This thread reminds me of something:d Brian Fantana: I think I was in love once. Ron Burgundy: Really? What was her name? Brian Fantana: I don't remember. Ron Burgundy: That's not a good start, but keep going... Brian Fantana: She was Brazilian, or Chinese, or something weird. I met her in the bathroom of a K-Mart and we made out for hours. Then we parted ways, never to see each other again. Ron Burgundy: I'm pretty sure that's not love.