BT360.... You had the perfect opportunity to change your tune with a new know like a fresh start? didn't. Sameeeee old BT360.
but why be fake on the internet? Why pretend to be sombody im not, i only come on the internet for my enjoyment so why should i please others....
Well put JZ. Seriously bud. Grade averages and knowing who your dentist is? Come on man. Don't worry about feelings. Best advice, brutal honesty from the get go and then no one can complain. Don't plan on having a "relationship." Just have fun, be safe, and it will all work itself out. Trust me on one thing, you will regret long term high school/college relationships unless you marry the chic.(and you may even still)
Reading this thread I am reminded of this movie clip..... _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3rd Grader: How's high school Billy? Billy Madison: High school is great. I'm learning new things and everyone is really nice. 3rd Grader: Gee, I can't wait till I get to "hike" school. Billy Madison: [grabs 3rd grader's face and whispers] Don't you say that. Don't you ever say that. Stay here. Stay here as long as you can. For the love of God, cherish it. You have to cherish it.
BT, Take it from me, im in a long relationship. Its almost at a year and a half. Ive had a few of these during my high school years. Im 18 years old right now and all i want is to have FUN in life. If i could do it over again, i wouldnt have had all these long relationships. Go for the girl. Whats the WORST that could happen? If something bad does happen, move on to the next one. Repeat the process. You can find true love and happiness when your in your twenties.
I just woke my daughter up laughing with this post! You guys that have responded to this guy are a bunch of suckers .... he is playing you all ...... check history on other website..... wait ,.... I just responded ... :d
Yeah, wait til you have spent 20 with the same lady, and then you can talk of long relationships. Geesh!!!