So a 3 month old relationship ended this past monday, and I was wondering how long I should wait before putting the moves on this new girl thats into me? Dont want to be considered a "man-ho"
One day when you're old and married like me you'll look back on these times and say to yourself "Why, oh why didn't I go after every girl I could?" And you'll be all like this thinking about it. In conclusion, don't be a sissy.
1. How hot was the OGF? 2. How hot is the new girl? 3. #1 doesn't matter now. 4. No reason to wait any amount of time...jump back in, the water is warm so have FUN!!:d This time grab more than 1 just in case you find yourself in this situation again...there won't be any down time.
I dont go into relationships for the benefits that come with it, I like the feeling of being appreciated for being me. But man the benefits is what make relationships so hard to break up. Im going to go for her and if my ex has a problem she can suck it (again).
1. 34 DD 2. Met her on myspace and shes in my lunch and we hang out and is equally hot. 3. I agree 4. Dance this thursday so im going to ask her out then.
I have no idea. I have only been married three years, and I can't remember what other girls look like...
You guys think that i would wear the same clothes to a dance less then 6 months apart??? Shopping spree, tomorrow instead of school, i think my overall average of a 97.75 can allow a day off.
I was wondering when Bowtech360 was going to show up with his woman delimas! Sometimes he makes me glad to be single and not out on the prowl...I don't handle the stresses of relationships too well! I have a 18 year old,him and the dog two of us sit and listen to the others war stories of chasing of us has had 4 divorces and am amazed I'm still alive! Best I can tell you BT360 is your young and got a long life ahead of you...treat the honeys like a sports car,take off slow and drive the tires of of them and turn them in,you don't want the long term payments and upkeep on either!:d
You should've been putting the moves on the new girl immediately after the's never too early!!
Ask any woman and they'll tell you we're all ho's. Embrace it and move forward!!! You'll never please 'em and if they are ex's who cares?!
Ugh its a no go on this one, sorry but a 78 average is just too dumb and that number doesnt even come with any blond.