I am a returning bow hunter who used to bow hunt for 5 years or so, but has been out of the sport for the last 9 years, and decided to start again this fall. I am excited, but have found that some things have changed, with the new harness systems and safety lines for tree stands these days, and all the safety videos/brochures/warnings, etc. I bought a new tree stand, which came with a full body harness and lineman's belt, and have practiced using it etc, watched the video and read the brochures. My question is, how long really, can one safely leave up a tree stand? The manufacturer's warnings all say don't leave one up longer than 2 weeks at a time. This seems a little unreasonable, and governed by legalese. I am used to hearing people scouting and hanging their stand before the season starts, and then leaving it up throughout the season. Our hunting season will last for 3 months. Is it safe to leave the stand up this long, due to weather and UV exposure on the hanging straps? Most importantly, I want to be safe, and not expose my stand to excessive wear due to weathering, but if I am constantly having to hang and take down my stand, I'll never get any hunting done. What is the safe way to approach this in the real world? Thanks for any help and advice.
I had 3 treestands up for nearly 3 years. It was tough as hell taking them down for inspection because of tree growth. I inspected them and they were good, rehung them. MOST of the time I prefer to hang them Aug/Sept and take them down after the season.
I've had some that haven't moved for for 8 years and are as solid and safe as day one. I check the straps, nuts and bolts and just make sure everything is secure every year. Never had a problem with them.
I had a stand up for 3 seasons, and with tree growth, the strap started to split. Starting last year, I loosened the straps on EVERY stand that I left out, so that the tree growth wouldnt compromise the integrity of the strap. I also hung a stand with my buddy when he hunted my grandmothers farm, like 7 years ago???...He still hunts it and has not touched it. Depends on the tree, I guess, and the weather in your area. I pull the majority of my stands after each season....Only leave up maybe 15%, max...
Straps are cheap. I put on new straps on stands that have been up all year, cut off the old ones, Some stands I take down. Now with my Lone wolf I don't leave them up too long,
Thanks all for your replies and suggestions! I'll hang it this week and leave it up till end of season.
I hung mine in aug, and i plan on leaving them all season. only thing i have ran into problems with is animals chewing on the cushion seat.
What can a guy put on his seat to prevent this problem I wonder??? Some moth balls or something maybe?
I have 1 that has been up two season though i am considering puting a cable lock around the top of it so if a strap does break on my way up it wont fall back on me and the cable will hold it.
There is a lock-on stand from days of old on the farm I currently hunt. I tried to cut it down last year and claim it as my own...(this was ok'd by the farmer as the guy who used to hunt there has long since moved) I cut the chains (this is a 1st generation stand) and everything holding it to the tree..it's so "grown into" the tree I stood on it and jumped and it will not budge...It still stands to this day! !