I'm 25 - started bowhunting when I was 14. I believe I have took 10 bucks and several does. My first year I zero'd but have been on the money ever since. It seems like every new season you learn something that is useful.
Early November of my 3rd bow season. I hunted my butt off and for some odd reason or another, I could not close the deal. I will never forget my first bow kill. It was the first set of antlers I ever kept...I was so proud. Since then, I have kept every set of antlers from every bow kill. That one kill changed my mindframe forever and has helped guide me to only using my bow when I hunt.
It took me until my second season to arrow a doe. I missed two my first year and one my second before finally connecting.
I've bow hunted sparingly since I got a bow 15 years ago (maybe a dozen times). I've never killed a deer with a bow. I've really been wanting to get back into it, since I truly think bowhunting makes you a better deer hunter. Anyway, I finally decided to get a new bow and get after it. I picked up a Martin Cheetah at Cabelas yesterday. Shoots really good. I can't wait to start really shooting alot and maybe either during this late season or next bow season, I'll get my first deer with a bow.
I had 16 years. I shot a doe high and tracked that night. I was an idiot and didn't go back the next day. After that, I was on a 16 year hiatus until this season. I got a buck and a doe this season.
Started when I was 12, missed a doe twice that year. Finally killed my first one when I was 14 I think, out of the first stand I picked out and hung by myself. I've killed 7 I think since then. I'm 18 now.
It took me about twenty hunts, but I was a presistant bugger. I got those all in within a month and a half. That's the nice thing with having your hunting land 30min from your house.
It took me about half a season, I was 12. I also shot a fawn, otherwise it took me 1 year to kill a buck
I was 14, hunted the first weekend and ran off a herd trying to draw. I hunted behind my uncles house on the following Tuesday and shot a real nice 7pt. So I guess my 4th sit, I took my first deer and first buck.
3rd year. Missed a 110ish 8 pointer my first year, and I shot a spike my 2nd year, but never found it. Went out on a November afternoon along the edge of a BioLogic plot. I was sitting on the ground in a makeshift blind with my dad. A button buck and yearling doe walked out, and I drew on the button buck. About mid draw my release blew apart and my arrow took off and struck the deer in the spine. I ran up and finger shot him in the shoulder then.
Still trying... But I only started this year. Learned a TON last year (first year) and plan on bugging the crap out of Virginiashadow this year more then I did last year so I can learn from him, not on my own.
Started mid-season - 2005. I took one shot (ill-advised) on closing day that year (clean miss on a doe). I probably hunted 30X, that season. I don't know how many hunts in I was (2006), but I took a 7-point buck on 9/30 of that year. I'm guessing it was somewhere 40-50hunts in (total, 2005 & 2006). When I switched to trad. gear.....it took me 2 days.