Last year for Pa sounds like your current year. Was very rainy and depressing. However this year (minus the last two days) have been phenomenal. Been close to upper 30s daybreak, then low 60s as a high. Near prefect for the first few weekends before I’m ready for the rut to kick in
We already set a record for wettest year ever. Sump pump stopped for one week at end of July. 10-15 degrees below normal with high winds lately. If i had a wind turbine, i would be selling power. So much water the deer can swim by most of my stands. Sent from my RS501 using Forums mobile app
I am looking forward to Halloween I wanted to hunt a little earlier but things have got in the way. Pain in the ass trip to Hawaii, but I will get home tear down the fence and hunt. I will be able to sit at least 3 hours each time, found a muscle relaxer that does not make me stoned but works so it does not feel like I have a knife stuck in my hips.. Over under on letting an arrow fly 7 sits.