Some kind of condition with his spine and/or the nerves in his spine, basically woke up one day feeling strange (if I remember right), and then within the day he was paralyzed from the chest down, I believe-- could be wrong!
No doubt about that! Jeff, you ever considered going goose hunting with a bow and arrow? LOL, I'd hate to think of how many arrows I would lose...
There is an entire interview session with him since his update (pictured shooting his bow from a wheelchair) He plans to keep the show, keep hunting all over the world, keep fishing, and not miss a single beat wheelchair or not.
Focal spinal cord dysfunction. Basically, the blood supply to his spine was compromised, either from an artery loosing is patency or a thombus in a supply artery. Stem cell advancements are working wonders for these types of issues...
Thanks for the links guys, I will check them out. I felt really bad for him and his wife when I heard the news. I hope modern medicine can help him out.
Pulling for him as well..."Love him or hate him" I have always found his show entertaining. I will say he has made some bad shot selections...but aside from that I love his positive energy - something that is very lacking these days in many people!
When it comes to the type of injury he received, I could care less if he launched 25 errant arrows at waterfowl. I am not judging a man's character by wether he launches a wooden arrow at a moving target.
Agreed! Trust me...Tred is probably #1 on my list for a celebrity hunter I would like to have share camp with me. Heck, I could care less about salt water fishing - but his show and the fun, passion, & energy he has when fishing makes me wish I was out there with him every time... I hope he walks again...and above all that he finds happiness and is able to enjoy the outdoors again.
I just went on a pheasant hunt with my longbow on monday! I got off 14 shots and only lost ! arrow! I really didn't look that hard for it either, probably would of found it! Going rabbit hunting again this week as well, I hunt a lot of critters with the bow, too much fun!
That's awesome! How often do you kill a pheasant with the bow? Not many pheasants or any kind of game birds around here any more at all.