Moon, welcome. Personally, I feel that you've got to work with what you've got. I killed a doe out of this stand two weeks ago. I had to get above the ground cover, but I had to stay below the limb line... it was the only way I could have any shooting lanes. My biggest buck to date was taken from a climber and the platform was barely over my head when I was standing on the ground.
Oh yeah....well I go 40-50' take that. Seriously, whatever the surroundings dictate....usually 15-20'
Climbers scare me to death if I go over 16-18 feet. I dont mind hoisting my lock ons up 20-22 feet though
Haha...I've ranged from 12'-30' This year I'm not going as high though. I don't like taking the real steep shots which can come back to bite you in the butt. Welcome to the site!
Mine are usually 18-20 feet high, but one stand I have called for 30 feet. It is in the bottom of a draw, with trails only about 20 feet below me.
I've been known to knock a few elk around as high as 13,500 feet above sea level. I rarely break the 14,000 foot barrier.
I hunt as high as the tree allows me to go. I stop where the tree forks off so I have something to hang my pack around and gives me a little back cover. Usually around 25 ft.
Well, I just hung a lock-on about 40' up this weekend, but that's for gun season. For bow, I'm usually about 20' up.
Depends on where I am hunting. Usually 15-20 but have been as high as 30 in certain spots and as low as 10.
depends on the lay of the land other timber around me etc.. I do like to be up fairly high though for the most part.. 18-22 feet
That's exactly me. Rarely higher or lower. Hooker....40' Highest I've ever gone is probably 25'-28'.
Depends on which stand. I have a couple this season at 10', and some at 18'. Then I have one overlooking a foodplot set at 24'. Depends on a lot of different things.
Is it me, or do MANY hunters grossly over estimate their heights? Before I started using predetermined 20 ft stick ladders, I could have sworn no setup of mine was lower than 20. Now that I use those ladders that I KNOW the height, I realize not a one of them would have even hit the 20 ft mark to begin with. :D I am usually 17-20 (platform height), but have a few sets as low as 10 ft. I want good shooting lanes and cover, if neither is available I go for a nose bleed section without getting higher than my comfort level...if I am WAAAY up in a tree, I tend to be a lot more cautious on the platform, which may delay me in getting ready for a shot.