Hi my name's Justin I'm new here. There is so much useful info here. This place is great. I was wondering how high most of you guys hunt?
Moon--do you realize what you just did by asking this question. It is akin to giving Gizmo food after midnight.....this is what will become of your question: This is what you will start with... This is what is coming after midnight!
Moon, but for real buddy. I like to be around 20 feet, and sometimes higher if I am hunting on the side of a hill and I expect deer to come from above me.
I just started bow hunting a few years ago and I'm trying learn as much as possible. Sorry if it was a dumb question. Thanks for any help.
Moon bud, it WAS NOT a dumb question at all. It was just funny because of this guy named Don...oh nevermind. First off, welcome to this site. I would say 18-20 feet is a good start. If you do not feel comfortable hunting that high, make sure you have some good back cover to keep from getting skylined...like this:
Moon, I have a little trick I use when climbing in the dark. For me it is about 11-12 pulls of my climbing stand to reach my desired height. Also, you can shine your flashlight into the tree and pick a spot that has decent back cover at about 18-20 feet or so. Or you could get a pull rope and make it 20 feet long, and when it gets snug, you know you have reached your desired height. I am a little different, I climb with my bow on my back.
How ever high or low Is needed. Sometimes It's only 5 feet off the ground and sometimes It's 20 to 25 feet. It really depends on the layout.
I like to hunt from 16'-20', but it really depends on the tree and if it has enough canopy to break-up my outline.
And Moon, good question. It's just kind of a topic that one guy who visits (not so much anymore) this site gets pretty heated about. I'm sure if you stick around long enough then you'll figure out what we're talkin about! WELCOME TO THE SITE DUDE!!
Thanks for all the responses. I've never looked for back cover when finding a tree to climb. I guess I just learned something.