How early do you guys go in for your afternoon hunts? I like to go in at about 1 just so things have plenty of time to settle down. This is mostly in the early season. I don't think there is to much deer movement going on at that time.
i go in about 3:30 - 4:00, due to my work schedule, but when it starts getting dark at 7, then im gonna have to bust ass to get out there in time.
Early in the season I try to be in a stand at least 3 hrs. before dark. When its starts to get to late October I try to be in a stand most of the day, usually just take a quick break to eat something then head right back out.
This is when I usually go out all season long. In the AMs I like to get to my stand about 10-15 minutes before shooting light.
I try to get in as early as 1 hour before shooting light in the a.m. Is there any reason as to why you go in almost at shooting light?
I usually get in the stand 2.5-3 hours before dark. In the AM I like to get in the woods at least 45 minutes before it even thinks about breaking daylight.
AM Ilike to be set-up and in place no later then 30 minutes before shooting light. PM I will get in 3-4 hours before dark. Although this year around mid-season I plan to have some all day hunts for the first time.
As early as work allows. I get there around 4:15 most of the year, until daylight savings time. Then I cut work by a half hour or an hour when I can. In the late season, I may only be sitting for 45 minutes or an hour, but it's better than not going at all. As long as I can get in and out with minimal disturbance, I am hunting.
I like to arrive 4 hours or so before sunset--maybe even a little more, especially in mid-October. Plus I just like to ease in and hunt. Typically mid-October is slow, so I use that extra time afield to explore a little in new areas. The knowledge gained from exploring during mid-October has paid off in the following seasons.
about 330 or so, the deer in my area dont tend to move till about 530 or so, but once in a while one will wonder out early.
Yes, I don't like bumping deer in the dark or scenting up my stand for an hour or so before shooting light.
I have several morning stands that I don't get to until 15-20 minutes AFTER shooting light since I have to walk through Ag fields to get to them. I bump too many deer if I walk in when it's dark not being able to see if anything is in the field.
Like Ben, as early as work allows. Usually not until 4:15. AM hunts I'm in the tree about 30minutes before legal shooting time.
I like to be in my stand at least one minute before the big buck shows up. Anything more is just a total waste of time.