I have no clue what to do other than save pic and then when I go to open in paint it wont show up? Very flustered
On your keyboard (most) there is a button that says print screen or 'prt scrn' or something like that. Then open paint and paste it in there. That should work.
save your picture to my pictures, open paint, click file, then open, and it will take you to pictures saved. choose picture and simply click on it and it should insert itself.
ok thanks guys, but thats what I tried in paint and it didnt work, but I will try the print screen deal once and see what that does :D Otherwise Im fricken clueless
I had this same question about a week ago in another thread. If you are using google maps, hold Ctrl and then push Print Screen. If you hold Ctrl and then push F11, it will make your screen bigger. Once you hit Ctrl and Print Screen, open up paint and then just paste it in there. Worked like a champ for me, thanks to the people that told me how to do it. :D
1) Control/Print screen at the same time when you have your aerial image 2) Open paint 3) Control/V at the same time while in the pain program There you go buddy.
Not all keyboards require the "CTRL", some us Fn, and some need nothing... make sure of yours before you do it!