Shooting a bow and arrow seems fun. If anyone is interested in learning how to shoot a bow and arrow, as a lefty, even though you are righty, then check out my website . It specializes in training your non-dominant side to become more dominant, through many training exercises. It's something to do as a hobby, or to impress your friend. I hope you like it!
Yeah - they suck! We were trucking right along, posting episodes and they were being approved and then one day Amazon simply said "We're not approving any more of your videos. We're not going to tell you why, and you can't resubmit them for approval." And that was it. No more BHOD on Amazon. Total PITA.
@Justin how about Rumble. Alot of “Youtube and amazon rejects” are going there. Btw, its a compliment to be a youtube/amazon reject.
Also I forgot to mention I watch on YouTube or on my roku app! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
JZ's the man, that is why i keep watching BHOD, along with the exploits of Tom A, John H, Tyler R, Josh S, the 2 M&M's, Dustin, Clint, Paul M etc. Have downloaded & saved pretty much every episode since Season 1 from youtube onto a hard drive, so when i am away traveling for work i can still watch. Johnny H - one of the best
I watch it on YouTube, and you guys are awesome! I have to say the absolute best hunting show I have seen, so keep up the great work!!
Apple TV or more often Roku. The Apple TV app is glitchy. Sent from my iPhone using Forums