... do you just stand in the perfect stance or do you try different real hunting scenarios? Myself, I try and shoot every way possible from sitting, kneeling, one knee leaning forward, sitting flat on the ground to almost laying on the ground! How you guys practice?
I havent in a while. In a loonnng while but I will be soon. When i do, i like to move around the yard at differnt distances and shoot. I also like to climb on things and shoot from different angle.
I do a lot of practice from sitting and kneeling positions. Most of the practice though is done from a standing position. The guys at my club sure like to put targets in places where you have to shoot around, over, under and through stuff though.
I mostly stand or kneel for practice. I don't really care to get into weird contortions for practice, if I ever faced the situation in pursuit of game, I just wouldn't shoot.
My latest practicing has been for my upcoming Gobbler hunt! I know I'm not going to have the gimme shot, just trying to be prepared! I was pretty shocked on how far OFF I was when I first started practicing for this! Kinda fun to!
Mostly standing although I do sit, kneel, shoot from a stand and I also change distances often. When I change distance it is WITHOUT using my rangefinder until after I make the shot.
I don't get a ton of time to practice, so when I do its basically upright, working on form. Most of my shots are taken at the 20-25 yd range. If I'm feeling cocky I will step it back to 30yds.... The down side is my back stop is a brick fence.. Been a many an arrow sacrificed in the name of improvement!
FOr now jsut standing there trying to learn good form. 10-25 yrd shots. Once I get this down I will try some different positions.
I practice at every shot angle, position, that I can think of that I would take In a hunting situation. I also practice like I have a deer In front of me.
I mostly shoot in my backyard. All I have is 20 yards to shoot. The problem with always shooting 20 yards is you're always shooting 20 yards. So, when the neighborhood kids get on the school bus I grab my bow and cross the street into the woodlot and stump shoot all along the creek. I have to be careful though because the one neighbor to my right call the deputy on me one time for shooting in my backyard. Yes he's a ********!!
Yeah, suburbia can suck, but I am still hunting deer legally under urban archery season until March 28.