Then where would I keep my pb&j's and thermos of hot coffee or soup....damn they're probably smelling my pb&j's aren' they. Would that be considered baiting? I just don't know.
Ive mentioned this before, I cant afford the scent lock clothing, but i do try and use as many scent control products/methods as i can that i feel are necessary, Its a confidence thing, and that's all that matters to me
I'm finding some of these responses interesting. The only thing I can base my opinion on is personal experience. I find using a "cover scent" technique of sorts, to be obsolete. Deer's scent glands work differently than ours. They can smell and identify multiple scents at once. So "covering" a scent means nothing. Now, they just smell pine AND you. The best we can do, in my opinion, is to take the necessary steps to eliminate human odor. If taking a day pack is what is necessary to keep you in the woods longer, then I think it's worth it. I know I couldn't sit on stand all day without one.
I throw mine in a tub with a earth wafer with all my other stuff. I have 2 tubs 1 for clothing, other for all my accesories.