For the guys that hunt flat terrain like corn field Indiana and Illinois. We have no terrain deviation. Small woods in middle of fields, no ridges or hills. How do you hunt bucks during the rut on these properties?? I'm so confused, 2 weeks ago I had hundreds of pics of bucks, haven't had a single pic since and haven't seen anything while in stand. Obviously the pattern changed on me. I'm hunting a field edge in the corner of a large woods and fence row. I had bucks cruising that fence row and now nothing. They move to bedding areas?
I hunt the middle woods. 20+ acres, recently logged. Found some beds in there but not much. Most deer I've observed going to bed are heading into the woods to the south. Do I need to move deeper into the woods I hunt or sit on the south side facing the bedding woods?
There is a depression in the middle of the woods that fills with water when it rains. Kinda low and swampy. Only about 50yds across.
Always ask why would they be there? If that wood lot is open understory and now beside picked ag fields, I'd not expect any deer to be there, they shouldn't be. Nor would it be a travel cruise corridor preferred by bucks as they're not going to want to go check a woodlot that shouldn't have any does in it. I have a couple properties I have permission on that once harvest happens (especially in corn years) I have just a week or two of residual crop down that can cause deer to linger...after that there is literally nothing left that would make them be there until after dark. The wood lots are mature timber, next to zero understory for security cover (owner loves his trees). Zero clue about the actual make up of your place as aerials don't tell the whole story, however I don't believe terrain is the issue it is other factors either not pictured, not seen or not expressed.
There are some clean logging trails through the woods but the rest of the woods is very thick. Piles of treetops and lots of undergrowth
I've jumped deer when walking though not expecting them to be bedded there. I guess my next question would be do most of you hunt interior woods during the rut?
Man I'm struggling to find them! At this point I would ecstatic to harvest a doe. They've disappeared off the property as well it seems. Maybe this place just isn't as good as it first seemed. Deer had a highway tore up around this field of turnips, farmer came in and tilled them under. Now the deer sign disappeared.
man don't feel bad... I can't find a doe either.. it's the strangest thing I have seen in years... to hell with hunting a shooter buck, I can't find a shooter doe!!
So I have concluded with this dumb daylight savings time since its about dark by the time I close up shop and hunting state land will actually make more sense. State hunting land is only a mile away from my shop and I've been seeing some nice ones pulled out of the area.
Here is the part of the state land I'm looking to hunt. Its a trek in from nearest check station but figured there may not be as many hunters. I circled highest elevation in red. I belive there is a ridgeline that runs along the creek. About 20-30' higher elevation than the surrounding land. Circled in blue are strip-planted ag fields. Some soybeans and some corn. Lots of CRP grass fields and thick wooded area south edge of map. What yall think?