I carry both nearly all the time...backpack has clothes, water, antlers, snacks, tools and maybe minerals or bait - fanny has various calls like grunt, fawn bleat, yote/predator, turkey and various scents for various areas and time of year(rut/pre etc)...I may target deer, bear, turkey or predators or all of them depending on how I feel at the time, seasons open(these all are for a month or so), and if I have tags left(bear-no tag this year or turkey) and what I have seen or heard on the way in.
i use a backpack, i pack for safety and convenience when im out there, ive been lost before, i had stuff that was needed my mate was at my mercy as a result, suffice to say, he packs to stay overnight if need be now. When im in a stand i hang the pack from the tree.
I prefer my fanny pack, I have plenty of pockets in my heavy camo jacket and also a couple in my HSS treestalker. I pack light, but am able to pack alot. I don't have alot of room in the tree for a backpack. I will take my backpack in the blind though.
For me I have a small back pack I always take with me. Both my stand setups have hooks that I hang it out beside me on. Normally just snacks, knife, flashlight, extra gloves and use it to pack in my clothes.
In my opinion, a backpack is the way to go. You never know what you may be carrying in or out of the field. You can always pack as little or as much gear as you need in your backpack.
I use the two ration pouches from my M.O.L.L.E. pack. I strap'em to my belt in the back. I can fit a whole lot into them.
Screw in hooks or buckle waist belt around tree above the top part of stand which is ratcheted to the tree.
Ill probably go with the waist belt around the tree above my climber. it should work that way. thanks for the feedback
I used a backpack for years until last year. I bought a large fanny pack with shoulder straps made by Allen... I really like it and it holds just as much as the backpack I was using! When I used a backpack it made my back sweat, and it made it a little harder to pull my bow back... The fanny pack is much better!
I wrestle with this every year. I hunt exclusively with a climber and have some long hikes(2 miles at worst). Fanny packs are fine for shorter walks but on the longer ones, they tend to get cumbersome with a climber on my back. On the other hand, backpack carries much more but is even worse with the climber. I tried attaching the backpack to the climber but this tends to make the weight distribution off and the climber flops all over. If anyone out there has long walks with a climber and has a good backpack/fanny to suggest or a better way to rig it up, I am all ears.
I wear it till im up and set up on tree then take it off and place around tree somewhere around neck level, so i can still get to it from the sitting position and its just right for when standing. Just remember to bring it back down with you, yeah I know but I've done it ! [/QUOTE] that would suck to leave it up there after coming down. ill have to make sure i remember to grab it
I only use a climber as I hunt on public land. I use a treewalker and they offer gun hooks that attatch to the side. I bungee a backpack to the back and it also holds the two pieces quieter while walking in. It does make it a little top heavy but not unbearable. The stand only weighs 18 pounds.
How many cubic inches is this fanny pack?...Trying to decide on one and I know the Badlands Monster is around 1100...Thanks
I use a badlands 2800 right now and while I like it a lot I'm switching to a Sitka Flash 20 purely for cosmetic reasons. Hey I like to match! I use to use a Badlands Fanny pack, but once I started filming my hunts I not longer had enough room for all the gear I tote into the woods. I still use my fanny for turkey hunting though.
I use a fanny pack for morning and evenings. If I plan to sit all day I use a day pack but still carry the fanny. sent from my electronic carrier pigeon
I hook my backpack onto my climber, with two carbineers. It adds weight, but lets me carry the gear I want. However, I am looking for a lighter pack. Does anyone use the Badlands TreeStand backpack? http://badlandspacks.com/gear.php?userChoice=tree-stand The fold out section looks like a great place to store gear and it light weight.
I use a small day backpack. I hunt primarily out of lock-on stands but when I do take in a climber I will put the pack on but put it on my chest so the climber rests on my back comfortably. I tried hooking the pack to the climber but found it too much of a pain and poor weight distribution too.