I finally got around to loading some images of my doe, but the pics are much smaller than the others. How do you make them larger. I have pics from the June GTG I'd like to post, but definitely want them bigger so that you can make out the people's faces. Just give me some basic instructions. Thanks.
Hank, in your PB album, click edit by the pic you want to resize. click preset sizes and choose size. You can make a large pic smaller but I dont think you can make a small one bigger (i think).. you may have to change the size and upload again into photobucket. Now get those pics up :d
I've put a few pictures up and by default the size of the picture that comes up in your post is dependent upon the the size of the picture file (resolution) that you save in photobucket. Like bloodcrick said, you can make a bigger picture smaller in photobucket by clicking on the "reduce to" drop down box at the bottom of your "Upload Images & Video" area in photobucket. But, to make it bigger you would have had to have taken a higher resolution picture to begin with! :punch: