I recently bought my son a Diamond Razor Edge that came with the Hostage rest. What shoots better out of this rest feathers or blazers? The arrows we have now have blazers but I ordered another dozen shafts for him and want to know what works best before fletching them up. Thanks!
I've never shot feathers out of mine, but I have shot blazers out of it with no problem. I wouldn't think it would matter either way. You should have no contact between the vanes and the rest if it is installed correctly.
I guess as long as what GA says is correct it should be fine for either...it's not supposed to hit right? but if it does, you know feathers are more forgiving.
The only possible vane contact problem I've seen is if you've got a real aggressive helical on a 4" vane. Then you might run into some vane contact with the brushes.
I recently started shooting the Fusion Duravanes and they are awesome. However, the generation II blazers have a smaller base and are a little less stiff and those are flying great as well. Either way you should be fine, the Fusions are super easy to fletch as well. Good luck!
I was told not to shoot a helical with this rest??? He wants to shoot feathers so I think I'll make the switch to 4" feathers, makes sense that there more forgiving.
I shot as much helical as possible with a 4" before switching to blazers and now the fusion vanes. A helical with a 2" vane is no problem, and will clear the brushes.
Well we checked his recurve arrows that have 4" feathers LW helical and there's no way they would work, way to much contact. So we started looking around and showed him the fusion vanes, he liked the looks of them. I put an order in for 100 and should be here early next week. These vanes sound like the real deal, thanks for the help fellas!
very cool, those are great kids bows... my oldest has one and drives tacks with it out to 30yds... he'll get good long use out of it... my sons had a two prong rest on it that i swapped out for a biscuit, I'm also going to replace his site with something a bit nicer this year as well... the stock site is kinda ok but like most i find that its a pain to adjust without the micro adjustable pins and etc... so Imma search the bargain caves and closeout bins for an upgrade...
I hear ya, Dom is a shooting machine with this bow! We dialed it in with ease and he also is driving tacks in a matter of a dozen or so arrows! Thats what I'm going to do for next season is change the sight on his, probably go to a Vital Bow Gear sight, these sights glow in the dark and and act like a flash light on the way back to the truck in the dark, awesome!
Here's my first fletching with the fusion vanes After sighting in my new bowsight They have a right helical and were shot thru the Hostage Pro. The top vane has to be lined up just about perfect or it will make contact.