A lot of people experience issues when shooting Carbon Express arrows, with the combination of the Buff Tuff finish and the bulldog collars clipping the bristles off as they pass by. Sometimes the blame can be put more on the bristles... You can rotate all the bristles so that you get three times the life out of the original ones that came on the rest, plus the ones that you've recently received. Try to keep them separate if you would, as I'd like to know how the new ones perform for you.
Get a Whisker Biscuit. Those bristles are too flimsy and there are too few of them to take the abuse without splaying.......they also have nothing around them to keep them from spreading out like that.........the design is flawed as is. They should have learned from the WB that stiffer bristles under the arrow=better. What bothers me about crap like this is they either didn't test it enough to see the problem or they did and just shipped it out anyways..........either way it sucks for the consumer. Maybe next year.
Super glue the bottom bristles..if you have no vane contact as is, it will work like a charm.....bowfisherman taught me that trick for WB, its hard supporting a 1000+ grn arrow. LOL OR, you could switch to a Limbdriver and avoid all problems altogether.
I have not had any wear, and I am shooting FMJ. I really like the rest Atlas get a damn deer your're on my team!!!
I have an idea. They should put plastic/metal "walls" on the side of the bristles. See how it would have kept these from fraying out.
Your setup could be a little nock high causing arrow to force down on rest upon release.In the second picture it looks like your vane is contacting cables.