Im going to try that out some time it looks good. I had about 15% beef mixed in, so I'm sure that probably helped out with keeping them nice and juicy. But it was late and I was hungry so I just seasoned them with a little bit of famous daves burger seasoning and threw on some onions. When I make burgers I don't usually add a whole lot of stuff to them but they turned out great compared to any restaurant or fast food joint I've been to.
I didn't know what to add because this was my first deer and didn't have anyone to ask at the time so I thought the safe route to go would be to add 15% beef.
Well shot a doe tonight but placement was a little forward. Gonna pull out for the night, check the video footage and go back out at first light
Reviewed the footage and it's not looking good. The arrow was on the right spot then in the last 10' or less she dropped and jumped the string, it hit high and by the looks of it hit the shoulder blade. At best I think I got 3-4" of penetration. Fingers crossed for tomorrow morning
That's a tough one to call right there. I'd say you stand a pretty good chance of finding that deer. Keep us posted in the morning! As for the burger question, I have mine mixed with some pork fat when it's processed.
Well after 4 hours of searching , no luck. I would get little spots of blood then they would stop, then some more then stopped. I'm pretty sure I got her on trail camera at 9:30 last night no arrow in her. I guess hunting doesn't always mean gathering.
Here are both of the guys on camera full cam footage [video=youtube_share;UQ31cryDZLQ][/video] [video=youtube_share;jYXgUoesy1w][/video]
Dang it! Been there a few times so I know the feeling. Hang in there - still plenty of season left to go.
I want to go out tomorrow but I want to be able to let the deer hang for a few days and it's going to be to warm this week. I might end up waiting a week or later before I go back out. It sucks because I don't want to spend a bunch of money on processing.
Well I don't think I've ever been so close to killing a deer more times in my life than I was this weekend. Saw the same buck from the same stand 3 days in a row and couldn't pull it off. - Friday afternoon he was tending/breeding a doe and never got closer than 75 yards. Saw 4 or 5 other bucks over the course of the night, all trying to get a piece of his hot doe. - Saturday morning he walked within 7 yards of my tree but it was about 10-15 minutes before shooting light. Pretty sure he walked through every one of my shooting lanes, all within 20 yards. All I could do was watch. - Tonight I had him coming in following a doe on a string. She saw me and got nervous and bounded out about 60 yards, which diverted his course away from me and towards her. No amount of grunting or snort wheezing was going to change his mind so he'll live another day. Frustrating to say the least! Here's a still from tonight's footage. He's 60 yards here. Bah!