Has anyone tried or had any luck with a horizontal rubbing post? I read an article in a hunting mag. It was pretty interesting. Was thinking of giving it try.
I put one in last year and never had a deer touch it despite several good bucks walking within 20 yards of it that I had on cam. I think it's all based on it being in the perfect spot. I feel like it's a lot easier to get them on a specific licking branch than a tree to rub on.
I've always wondered about this topic myself. It is very interesting, however I haven't heard of any distinct advantages to the branch/tree being horizontal instead of vertical.
I haven't tried it yet, but I've only ever saw on natural horizontal rub so I'm not sure how well it works to be honest. Let us know how it works out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No luck for us last year with ours, but I think that we were near the area too much... Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
No luck for me yet I've had mine up for couple years now Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Have seen a few active ones in the woods over the years but never tried to set one up. Did watch a guy out in Kansas on one of the shows the other day set one up and had some real good video of some big bucks rubbing it. He said he liked to use scotch pine for the rubbing post, he also had a mock scrape set up off the end of the post.
Just seen it again, It was on Territories Wild and it was in Iowa not Kansas the hunter was Ted Miller.