My neighbor who owns one of the properties I have permssion to hunt, had his property logged this year (finished up about two weeks ago). It really opened the woods up and the deer have been using the roads made by the skidder like there is no tomorrow. They even dammed up a ditch and put a tube in to help it drain which now gives me access to the other side where it was pretty much inaccessible before. Last year I saw a lot of deer using the far side of the ditch for bedding, but since it was too difficult to access, never could hunt that side. Every morning I was off, I was over there helping the land owner ensure that the loggers didn't do unnecessary damage and to make sure that they pulled the tops out of the creeks. Every morning, I noticed tons of deer tracks using the roads and pretty much abandoning their previous trails. I have picked out 2 spots for stands and am excited about this season. I put out trail cams after the loggers left and haven't checked any of them yet. Hopefully, this year this new area will give me a shot at one of the buck using the far side for bedding. Has anyone else hunted freshly logged properties? We're not talking clear cut. Attached is an aerial photo. The yellow lines are the property lines. The blue lines w/white dots are intermittent creeks. Solid blue lines are free flowing creeks. The orange lines are the logging roads put in on the South side of the creek. Thanks, Mark
My hopes for the season? Fill all 3 of my doe tags on film in October, then smack one of the two B&C non-typicals that i have in my area on film in November (or before). Follow it up by blasting a doe with my shotgun in December. It doesnt get any higher then that does it :D
My goals are to shoot as many does as possible. Shoot a mature buck (3.5+). Shoot a deer on opening day. Those are my goals.
Just a reminder that the booner could be right behind that Doe you just blasted and you will have never known?? I have faith you will be patient and WILL be rewarded! Just don't taint your woods to early... Good luck young one & bro too!