I sit here thinking of witch bow to carry in the morning. I have been carrying the compound due to the fact that I can only shoot bucks. But in the morning I can use my doe tags. So I'm thinking of trying the recurve. I have never shot a deer with a bow. Heck I never shot a bow until April or May of this year. I'm very nervous. Wondering do I have the mad skills for the recurve. I got out this evening and shot the recurve at 20 by truck lights. Pie plate average. Not too good. This bow hunting thing will drive a man to the bottle. I would like for my first bow kill to be with a recurve even if it's only a doe. I think I will have another drink and ponder.
Only you know if you are capable, and only you have to deal with the results if you are not...however, if you do the job you can get on here and brag all you want. Pictures, high fives and all that good stuff. I would personally kill some with the compund given the situation you described above but again, it's all on you. Good luck with whatever weapon you take.
I would pick up a bottle of Bacardi 151 tonight and "get your drink on" while trying to decide... then I would pick up the recurve and head out in the morning with arra's fashioned out of sticks you pick up on your way to stand and just hope for the best!
Thanks for the positive words of encouragement. Quick your right I got skunked. But I'm hard headed enough to keep trying.
Bow hunting isn't about being hard. It's about preparation. The more prepared you are, the better your chances at harvesting an animal are. I'm sure a lot of bow hunters here put in hundreds of hours just into shooting and hunting prep and that's why many are successful.
Jon, If your going to take the recurve out you may have to back off on the yardages that you are efficient at with your compound. Maybe that 20 yards Is a tad far for you at this point. Pie plate accuracy Isn't really all that Ideal when you think about It. Take It from me, I've been hunting with a recurve only the last 15 years and a persons hunting yardages will decrease when comparing compound to traditional. Good luck In whatever you decide to do.
I wish I knew how to shot the recurve better. Sometimes I'm right on for a couple of shots then I go to pieces. I love shoting the recurve but it gets frustrating. I going to keep hunting the compound due to my confidence with that bow and I want to make an ethical shot but maybe before the season is over things will turn around for the other. I'm not even sure if my form is quit right or what. Someone had mentioned using a video camera to view yourself shooting to see any faults. May be what I try. That's why I try to read some these posts because I know there is a wealth of info from people more experienced than me on this site.
Your going at It right Jon, keep doing what your doing. The video thing Is a great way to check ones form, I'll be trying that myself this year. When shooting these traditional bows one can never practice enough. Once you get there hitting your spots fairly consistently you'll feel like a thousand bucks with a huge weight lifted off of your chest. I'd put money on It that your Inconsistent shooting at longer yardages Is all form related. Work on the form and stuff will start coming around, It takes time though.