Got to wait till the 15th here in Missouri . Glad to hear that you have some prospects but I'd much rather you hunt for yourself and whatever you score for the team we'll just consider a bonus . Don't run any cams myself but if you have any pics we'd love to see them !!
Yea I'll put some up tomorrow I don't have a computer so I just use my phone and I'm having bad service right now bug I'll put up some pics tomorrow maybe you guys can help me name some of them I have three main ones I'm aiming for this see what you think of them
Hunt the exact same way you have or would without the contest. Only have a team to support/share with, oh and you have to take 2 different photos with; deer, bow, and you in them.
Any one still got some last minute things to get done. Putting in one last plot this weekend, hanging another set, and clearing a few trails then should be all set to leave it alone for the month of September