I've been stalking you for some time now!!! Haha. Nah, I remember you saying it in a thread a good while ago, like a year or two ago. Also I've been a subscriber to your YouTube channel for some time aswell.
Well boys, chip pull at the one property still hasn't yielded any of the BIG ones...but I'll be honest the 9 in the pics I've dubbed Cloud9 and he'd be a tough pass...I think I can pass the young 10 with the sticker coming off his brow...and the 6 is hopefully gonna live another year because my dream is a BIG 6 sometime!
Got it done and let him know that our team is complete Got to admit that being captain for the first time is pretty easy with a team like this . Everybody has been fairly active in this thread and I get lots of help . Thanks all !!
Glad to hear that your doing better . My own factory urine is all that I have ever used in them also and it sure never hurt anything . I used to be one of those bottle it up and pack it out of the woods guys but then heard that our testosterone has the same chemical make up as a bucks .
Yeah, the odd thing is and I guess funny as well is I will have to try harder to pass up the 6 than the 10 with the sticker...always loved the way a 6 with actual brows and sweeping tines look....be freaking awesome a year older and doesn't change, just bigger. Happy to hear you're doing better to coheley...not cool at all bud! Will pray for clean bill of health clear through hunting season for ya!!!
I was the same way I still dont really like doing it out of the tree though just cause of the noise of hitting leaves 20ft down is pretty noisy. Thanks guys, going in for a check up tomorrow and making sure I have a good safe clear before heading to Colorado. Last thing I want to do is get into those high elevations way off in the middle of no where and have a possibilty of something going wrong. As im finishing up on my medications over the next day or two im feeeling like I should be in the clear though hopefully
By the way good looking bucks Ty I would be hoping they wouldnt come by me cause they sure would be making me think to hard on passing. Im no expert but look like some stud 2 1/2 year olds??? Agree with always wanting to kill a giant 6pt maybe one day
LOL Had a 6 pointer that I wanted to shoot .... so bad , here a few years ago but APR's made it to where I couldn't . I was guessing him at least 5.5 and I think he'd of went into the 130's pretty easy . Thought he was the coolest buck I had seen and wanted to shoot him in the worst way but he didn't have a sticker anywhere that would have made him legal . They have to have 4 on one side to be legal here .
Yeah the 6 actually looks like the oldest...but Cloud9 may be a buck I passed in 2012 and a yearling so he'd be 3 1/2 and maybe just didn't boom like most bucks around here between year 2 and 3.....we shall see. I'm the kind of hunter as those who read my Kicks' 2013 story listen to my gut and if I instinctly reach for the bow when I see them I shoot....no questions really.
To be honest I think I'm gonna just hope one of these 3 show first at the other spot....make it easier on me:
They where considering passing a APR here where it had to have 4pt on one side also. I was all for the proposal but was really curious on how that would work on a deer like that. You would think at a certain age or size that it would be reasonable for it to be legal.
So none of you guys have heard of the bungee tree strap thing huh? I'm gonna make a thread asking about it.
I did speak to my local agent about that buck and received permission to shoot it but never made it back to that property . Had a friend that had got permission to hunt there and knowing he had 3 kids , I just up and let him have the place .
I've heard a little about a tree saddle, is that what you are talking about ? Never have seen or used one though .
Well I was speaking with the landowners son last night about checking my camera I left on their place in Ohio....he said it wasn't there... I'm more upset about the loss of pictures as it was over a MR site since the middle of June. I hate people.
No its not a saddle. It's kind of hard to explain. Let me try a little better. Do you remember those old "slap bracelet" things? It is kind of like that same concept but around the tree trunk and you strap your tether to it. And to go up the tree they just opened it a little kind of tossed it up a tad and it retracted and tightened back around the tree. Is that a little better of a description? I'm not the best with words but that's about the best way I can describe it. Haha
Yeah, I'm pretty pissed. Come to find out the neighbor (land owners friend) put a camera up too...and got a pic of some guy. I'm 7 hours away, so not like I can do anything. I had some damn good deer on thst camera too.