So what's on your list before the season starts? This past Saturday I built a storage loft in my garage, and moved all of our crap that was in the garage up there. I also built LOTS of shelves for the stuff we use on a frequent basis. Now I have usable space in the garage and can even pull a car in there. Sunday I tore all the brick down on a 40" wide section between the garage/house. It was falling apart and had been re-pointed several times already, and all the brick ties were failing. I pulled it all down, and framed in and installed a new 32" door. Last night I trimmed the 150' shot of bushes we have that lines our property by the road. I had transplanted several bushes over the summer to fill in holes and thicken it up, and let it go for several months to try and get them all to a height where I could trim it even. I trimmed and then raked it all up last night. I still have the following to do and less than a month to do it. Install new bay window in living room Install 2x new windows in our bedroom (this completes new windows in the front of the house) Put up capping/fascia around the new windows, and the new garage door. Also have to put it up around the big drive through door on garage because the previous owner hit it at least a half dozen times with their car. Who misses the entire garage door anyhow? I mean it's only like 8' wide or so.......... Insulate the attic Run exhaust piping and a new electric drop for our new wood pellet stove in the basement Buy and move 3x tons of wood pellets into the basement for the upcoming winter. Season starts on 9/26. Needless to say, I won't have a lot of time for much of anything between now and then. :p Anyone else have a seemingly endless list of to-do's before season starts?
Yep, a long list Practice shooting Sharpen Broadheads Check Trail Cams Wash Clothes Trim a few more shooting lanes Write Blogs Help Hans with the Bowtech Trailer in Springfield, MO Lots to get done before Sept. 15th:D
On the "Honey Do" side of things, I just have two major tasks. 1. Buy and install a new wood stove. 2. Cut and split at least 4 cord and get it in the basement. Gonna be a heck of a Septmeber. At least it will keep my mind off of what's to come.
I have had this on my mind since the beginning of July. I asked my wife, "what do I need to get done this fall so that I can do it before the season starts." I have most things done already which is a good thing considering my season starts in 10 days.
my honey-do is limited this year to one project... but its a substantial one.... finish framing in the basement remodel and get the conduit run for the electricity... the conduit is optional but if I can get it done it will buy me a LOT of leeway during the season...
I spent most of this past weekend putting up a greenhouse and fixing up my daughters rabbit hutch. I have to prepare a bunch of junk for a yard sale this weekend and put a few finishing touches on the greenhouse and I'm done.
replace a sliding glass door(ordered almost a month ago) probaly going in on opening Saturday(not my schedule obviously). In between morning and eve hunts need to rebuild deck rail. Both installed/built by previous owner and done horribly.
finish mudding sheetrock in living room and replace trim and paint. I stayed pretty caught up for the most part this year.
I do things all hunting season to keep in her good graces. When she starts coaching her highschool basketball in mid-November I start paying her back.
The only thing on Jill's list was to have a dog kennel attached to the garage with a door leading inside. Good thing a good buddy of mine is a carpenter! Other than that, I just have to get things picked up around camp before heading back home.
Wow Germ.. your honey "do" list reads like mine. The wife wants to start a family. I keep telling her we have 2 dogs.. what more family do we need? I'm afraid my argument falls on deaf ears however.
I'm pretty well caught up. I try to be proactive around the house and replace/repair stuff that really doesn't need fixing, just upgrading. The grass will be dying off before long. I don't really have much more to do outside except that I want to build a shed for storage and processing deer. I have a week off next week so I might just start that. I still have a few hunting related things that NEED to get done.
I am fixed now I did get Mrs. prego on the first shot the first time around, the second time took me a few months Way more fun Pace your self and drink lots of mounten dew and take hot hot baths:D
Ya, first time offender here as well. Gonna take Germ's advice on the next one. Good luck Duke, you'll be a kick ass dad.
get rid of the boxers and go to tighty-whitey's as well... and quit fappin, when you keep it fresh its more potent...