Yep, that's right. I saw a little 4 pt buck mount a small 7 pt 3 times in a span of 2-3 minutes yesterday evening. I thought maybe the 7 was an antlered doe, but there weren't any other bucks around. I figured if it was a doe in heat then there would be some of the nice bucks I've seen tending her, not a 1.5 year 4 pt. Anyone ever see anything like it?
Well this is a heck of a subject for my first post I just started reading this site a few weeks ago and figured it was time to get active and contribute... I have had a great season so far and have used my bow (forkhorn) and gun (8 point) tags already ...... and only have a doe tag left. I have been seeing 3 does right around dusk all season and was planning on sitting for the last couple of hours yesterday but it was pouring rain so i was driving around killing time before i hopped in my stand. There is an area i have always called "the zoo" since you used to be able to drive through and see wildlife almost literally at any time... this has diminished over the past few years as the deer herd is down and i don't see deer there the way i used to. Anyway i went around a corner and looked down the hill and 50 feet away was a nice 8 point .. along with a smaller 4 point. I pulled out the binoculars and watched them both .... well don't you know the little one tried several times to mount the bigger one... which just ran away.
i seen 2 fawn bucks engaging in this behavior this fall. i do recall reading somewhere that homosexual bucks is not unheard of i can't for the life of me remember where i read it.... i recall the 2 were together for a certain period of time and didn't particapate in the rut.....i'd say a google search is in
This may sound weird but, "Practice makes perfect." My theory is, they are not acting out with "gay tendencies" but merely practicing for when the magic really happens. In my experience in seeing this and relating with other hunters, it is usually younger bucks exhibiting this behavior. It also could be a frustration behavior due to all the mature and aggressive bucks taking up all the available lady's.
I am not comfortable talking about this.... Just kidding! Anyway, I think it ha something to do with practice, dominance and hormones. I was watching cat week on Nat Geo Wild last week and the dominant bull (cape buffalo) got hammered by some lions. Well, they didn't kill him because the herd protected him, but after persistence from the lions, the herd turned on the bull. Then the next bull in line for the "king" role, mounted the injured dominant bull to show the rest of the herd that he was now in charge and they retreated and let the lions finish him off and he then led the herd. Pretty wild stuff!!