Cardboard works surprisingly well. Laid on it's side and stacked up it can take a surprising amount of abuse before needing to be replaced. One of the clubs that I used to belong to had this type of a setup on their indoor 20 yd. range. I would find the best quality cardboard you can get. The kind from really sturdy boxes such as diaper or appliance boxes. Also carpet as was mentioned by SPOTnSTALK works well. Cheers, Steve []*[]
So just to be clear when you say to use carpet, you mean to pile it so you're shooting between the pieces, correct?
I stuff the 50lb plastic weave dog food bags with the plastic bags from trips to the store. Wad them up real good and stuff them in the bag as tight as you can.
If anybody is still checking out this thread, try filling a cardboard box full of expanding foam insulation. We used to use this stuff to repair really worn out 3d targets and it is very cheap and light weight.
Similar to some previous comments, I take old dog food bags or deer bait bags (the woven nylon kind) and fill em full of wal-mart plastic shopping bags. It takes a while to get enough built up because if you want a good, solid target, you have to compress them a lot. Then, I take a sharpie and trace out the rings around a 3/4" roll of masking tape. I used a maple syrup bottle cap for the bullseye. They work well for the money, but once you hit them in the same spot several dozen times, you have to go over the rings and bullseye with sharpie again. (more-so the rings for me lately ) They are really nice for a back-yard set up. I have 3 acres that is anything but flat, so I put out 1/2 dozen targets and make it my own lil range.
Get a bunch of sturdy cardboard boxes pull apart the bottom flaps so they will lay flat.Then stack them untill you get a stack as tall as you want your your target to be.Then cut two pieces of plywood at least half as long as your target,put one piece on the top and one piece on the botomm and wrap a rachet strap around it then crank it down tight.Spray paint dots/circles on it for bulleyes.Works like a charm.
I got a couple 50lb dog food bags im compressing with plastic bags but I was thinking of using that can insulation to mix with the plastic bags to add a little more density.
Super easy and cheap.. get a cardboard box, fill it with old t-shirts and rags, draw a bullseye on it. Those expensive bag targets are really nothing more than rags stuffed into a bag.
a good way i have learned is take 2 2/4s and cut them to your specifications and make a square like frame then wrap old carpet to the frame or any material you can find. you can play around with the numbers and find out exactly the size you want your arrow stop to be.
These are what we want to build on our new place... I listened to Jim talk about these at the Harrisburg Show and I was impressed.
Has anyone tried their DIY target with micro diameter arrows like victory vaps or black eagle deep impact arrows