i am interested in making my first homebrew. can anyone point me in the right direction to get started like what cam boards and where to get them. also how much does it cost to make one. i would really like to start building my own cams thanks in advance.
A great place to gather info on building is ATs game camera section. There are stickys at the top of the page that cover many of the subjects you'll need to know about. You can get info on boards from www.yeticam.com, www.bfoutdoors.com, and www.snapshotsniper.com. There are others but these are the main ones. As far as cost, the great unknown in the equation is the camera used. These usually must be bought off of ebay since most of the cameras used are discontinued models. You should expect to have around $150 in your first build, depending on what you pay for the camera. The boards run anywhere from $39-$59. The box the stuff is mounted in are $15-$20. Good luck if you try it and shoot me a pm if you have any questions. Blessings......Pastorjim
Thats exactly where I learned how to build. Archerytalk.com has some knowledgable people when it comes to homebrews. My last build cost approximately $115. You can't beat that for the quality of pics and sense of accomplishment. AND if something breaks, you more than likely will know how to fix it. Good luck!
This is good information and Pastor Jim is a big home brew builder. I do not build cams but the guys at Out door talk do and help people all the time. they will send pictures and step by step instructions on how to build the cams you have. Check them out I sent a pm on this since I did not know if it was good to suggest another forum. I guess it is ok. http://www.outdoor-talk.com/forum/index.php?action=forum