wash hands, pillow cases and sheets a ton! open a few more windows too. if you can stand it grab some vicks put it on your chest at night (i put a light coating IN my nose) snot all over the place but i cant afford to be sick! i try to stuff as much food in my face either cold or flu to help that body fight...
Zinc tablets, vitamin C and chicken soup. Isaiah, Vicks in your nose? Dang, you're tough. Doesn't that burn?
not too bad, just dont cake it in there... just a bit... i know gross but when you cant stay sick for long u'll try anything. i have heard of zinc
I use Zinc lozenges sometimes. They work amazingly, but I think they leave an awful taste in your mouth that is impossible to get rid of.
I usually take 3 vitamins a day, drink a lot of orange juice, and have nice hot soup when I have a cold. Like mentioned wash your hands, especially with hot water. Pick up some Robitussin Cold and Sinus for before bed. Other than that you just gotta let time take over.
Tylenol Cold and sinus, Niacin with the Flush (pick them up at GNC, or vitamin store). You could also try not getting sick. Or just refuse to admit that you are.
This is how I avoid getting sick. Eat lots of meat, veggies and fruit, avoid sugar and carbs. Take vitamins. Eat liver. Kill anybody that gets close enough to breathe on me. heh heh heh...
There are some zinc lozenges out there that don't taste as bad now. Also, even better is the zinc swabs that you put in your nose. Sounds gross but helps. Most of the above remedies will help you get over it quicker. Be sure and get your liquids and plenty of sleep like the Drs. tell you. I'm not too sure about the vodka though, it made me wake up in jail. Might help your cold but not very pleasant overall and they're sure not gonna worry bout you bein sick! lol! The mucous medicine really helps too if you have an overabundance of it but make sure you have a mouth full of water when you take them, they are rank! Get you an extra big snot rag and a cough muffler and get out there on that stand, can't skip huntin right now, it's comin on!!! Cough mufflers don't help much if he's under your tree but at least he won't hear you in the next county. Hope you get better soon!!! lp ps, just noticed you said sinus. My Doc always says Robitussin CF and Claritin!