outside of edmonton, alberta in the edson area.... I don't have any idea on the weight and etc, but holy cow is this thing HUGE!!!!!! i guess another pro-sidearm argument there...
This pic has been making the rounds on all the forums. Supposedly it was shot over bear bait and weighed in at well over 200 lbs.
I don't doubt the credibility of the photo, wolves are big critters, but I don't know anyone that can lift 200# of dead weight like that and I know some big guys! Kind of like the bear from Montague that was a big though nothing exceptional bear but nowhere near the legendary proportions it grew to on the internet.
Yeah, that photo is clearly Photoshopped. As bbm pointed out, he's only got one leg! If you look at the bottm in the center the mysterious gray shape is literally cut in half, and WTH is going on between the wolf's legs where his shoulder should be? If you zoom in tight enough in Photoshop you can also see where they blurred the edges of the tail where it meets the ground. No soup for you!
I don't know about the rest of it, but the guy's leg is clearly right behind the wolf's tail. The gray object looks like a half buried rock. (Trust me, I never give these thing much second thought when I see them.)
Life in the backwoods can be rough....everyone needs someone to spend the colds night with. It is 2009 you know.
Seriously,it wouldn't appear to be a whole lot larger than my 170# dog that I spent about 90 minutes washing dead tadpoles and such off of today!!!!