I'm about to make my third trip to east Texas to hunt some pigs at the Smith Ranch. This year I am going to try and shoot a couple of them at a feeder at night. I have a Primos blood light that has a red light and green light. I think that using one of the colors will not spook the hogs as bad as a regular white light. Just wondering if anyone has used a red or green light to spot light hogs and if so, how did it work and does one color work better than the other?????
I've had good luck with red lights. I have no experience with geen. One thing I can tell you is don't waste a lot of time once you get the light turned on.Wild hogs get skittish when a light comes on out of nowhere. Pick a target and make a shot. I don't know if a Primos bloodlight will be enough. How far does it cast a beam? If you can see well enough at 15 yards with it you should be good. I made a redneck hoglight/stabilizer out of a LED minimag light. I also added a trigger switch so I can draw the bow and then turn it on with my left,(bow),hand so I can be ready to shoot. You can also purchase a Hoglight stabilizer with switch. I recommend the investment if you are going to do much night hog hunting.