I'm leaving work at noon today,( barring any unforseen trouble), and heading west young man. I'm off to the land north of Abilene that is owned by my wifes boss. I talked to him last night. He was out there 2 weeks ago and counted 37 turkeys! I hope to see at least one. I'll be swinging by Russ',(Kanga), house on the way just to shoot the breeze for a bit and visit. The plan is to get,(Abilene), there at least a couple of hours before dark so I can get the camper aired out and the car unpacked. I then plan on taking the longbow out after a hog this evening and then trying to roost the birds. Tomorrow AM it'll be me and the Marquis in the pop-up waiting to smack a tom. After all the stress ans studying these past few weeks I'm really looking forward to this weekend! I'll post pics Monday morning!
Good luck man! There's nothing like hunting and the outdoors to relieve built up stress from life/school etc.