Brett, You're way too civilized. :D You ain't gonna get that when you're trespassing, don't even dream it. Not sure what the guys issue was, but at the same time, if he'd had issues with people trespassing, trashing his place, etc, I can understand his side of it as well. I helped a guy out of a treestand at gun point and I wasn't very nice to him, but he was also hunting my HONEYHOLE (trespassing), and driving his truck down into the field where the only people who COULD have seen him were some neighbors who had a visual into that draw, and called and alerted us as they'd had lead fly through their backyard from this general area during gun season when there was not supposed to be a soul hunting there. I'm sure you weren't a "threat" to his land or him, but often times when someone has multiple issues they don't come off very nice. I know when I encounter a trespasser, especially after having had a treestand stolen, I'm not a very nice person either. As to the "Theft" possibility, in a bad economy, that I'm sure is quite possible, and in my area out in the sticks where people have houses you can't see from the road, it happens all to commonly to 3 different people I know in one specific area, even while 2 of them were home!!!! Maybe the best way to deal with it is to "kill him" with kindness, rather than get ticked at him. I know when I first moved into my house, I had a couple people show looking for the old owner....(drug dealer that spent almost 5 yrs in the pen), and I was less than nice to them as well though. But the one young kid who was nice and apologized I wasn't quite a ticked at, the guy that threatened me, well, he had a couple dents in his car and his window went up in a hurry when I went after him!!!! I doubt he'd ever pull back in here and tell me to "STFU" and that "he's looking for RICK" and it was "none of my business again." :d Little bastard!!! So anyway, I can see the other guy's side of it as well, but I also understand that instinct to protect the wife and kids at the same time.
I understand all of that OH, I really do. But kindness will get you a long way, very quickly, especially when you have a gun/knife and the other guy has his family in a car.
Not to take over your thread but i had a hillbilly encounter on my own a little more then a year ago. Its early April of last year and i went with my cousin to penn to do some trout fishing. Anyways it was shaping up to being a good weekend, on the last day i was fishing a public river and my cousin and i were really knocking them out. since we already had are limits we were throwing them back. Now this is a public river and since it was a Sunday afternoon it was pretty crowded. I was fishing about 20 yards from this big "Good ole Boy"( kinda resembles the pic that viriniashadow posted)when he started yelling some remarks that can't be said here but i think anything of it, And suddenly out of no where i go flying off the bank head deep in a freezing river and i see this guy running towards my cousin. By this time I'm just trying to gather myself and get out of the river. When my cousins buddy gets in between the guy and my cousin. then this guys pops him a good one right in the eye. Then this guy grabs his little kid and goes running. In the end we called the cops and they never found the guy. But i don"t see how this guy could do all this, even with his own kid watching him. Also i was only fifteen at the time.
Im guessing he did it because we were catching fish and throwing them back right next to him and he couldn't catch a thing.