I am Tony's oldest son, I am 8 1/2 years old, I shoot a Diamond Edge that I got for Christmas 2 years ago. Since I can now pull back 40 pounds I am legal to hunt with my bow. I am excited to go out with my dad in Alabama this year to the 2 person stand
I'm sooooo lookin forward to the hunt this year... maybe we both get our first archery deer this season... maybe he beats me this year, if he does there wouldn't be a prouder dad around... mom already thinks he shoots better than me... frankly, I wouldn't mind getting skunked again as long as he takes one this year... we've been in the rifle stand and he showed incredible maturity passing on some REALLY nice 6-8pt bucks to allow them to age and get bigger for next year... he doesn't show buck fever at this stage and is calm and confident about his skills with a bow... inside 30yds from the stand this kid will drop a buck this year if he gets a shot... ya, dad is braggin a bit
he's on a diamond edge mech.... shooting CX thunderstorm arrows with 100g montecs this season... he's at 40# and 22"... not sure he'll get a pass thru but still should be plenty to take one this year if he gets a clean shot... with any luck I'll be filming this one... hopefully I can do a good job with that...